Can we get account wide ignore?



Halloween isn’t really much of a holiday here in Australia, but there is still some who go out trick and treat in some areas.

And actually, I went out late last night. And well, without realizing it, I was pulled over for 3km over the speed limit. But was given a kit kat and let off with a warning. Only because it was Halloween.


Wow, that’s pretty awesome!

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Yeah, it came as a shock to me actually. But I think I just got very lucky.

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I wasn’t aware this was a competition, was there prize support from Blizzard?

You are still combative as hell, maybe scale back the attitude?

What about the other 2? Hmmmm?

There is a very handy dandy mute option available, perhaps use it?

  1. What attitude? You seem to have one right now, though.
  2. Those 2 ones were just reported, the other 4 was restored right after.
  3. As you can see, I hope, I am no longer replying to those I do not want to speak.

And I am not using the ignore feature. I can see every post like that long multiquoter which I’m not gonna bother replying because it’s kinda annoying to read through. Tldr, no offense Nick.

Crazy how things work when you can scroll past a post lol.
I suggest trying it as well, but you’ll say I am trolling so meh. Your blood pressure raising, not mine lmao.

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Whatever slick… :roll_eyes:

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my post about eating popcorn was reported and i have no idea why…

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In the long run there is a record of the conversations in the thread good or bad as it is. That there is in the eyes of the beholder to judge .it could be an bad example just how it is as a reflection of those in the game it self. Yeah,oh dang. :anguished:

They may not like popcorn.

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It could fit under spam or trolling, since it really didn’t contribute to the thread, and accused people of being paranoid. That can be seen as hostility.

the little bit people were talking up there has nothing to do with the topic either i guess it’s fine if one side goes off the rails and not the other? huh do i report those since its offtopic.

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I only offered a potential explanation, not the explanation.

I can still post so that’s a cool thing, though I’m probably going to stop bothering to debate since somebody in the pro supporters would rather mass flag me than talk.

Well my weakness I can’t actually directly lie, I am very bad at that. But seeing as you bought it up let me tell you a story…

I know most of you aren’t interested in my personal life, so feel free to keep me on ignore if you don’t want to listen to what I am saying. Though I do believe given the mods have quite a few times restored some of my posts recently, I believe much of what I am saying does have validity. That said none of you have to listen.

See here is the thing, 10 years ago, I fell in love with someone in wow, and moved to an entire other state to be with them, leaving everything I knew behind. Unfortunately when the relationship ended four years later, I made the mistake of adding other wow ‘friends’ to facebook and my ex decided to trash my reputation and turn half the people on my friend list against me.

Do I accept that I made mistakes at the time, and I am not perfect yes but I didn’t go badmouthing them to half their friends…that’s why I was bagging out the area they lived at the time. And it’s also why I won’t support any system that can risk someone’s reputation in-game, I already went through 2 years of housing insecurity and on top of that being told it was all my fault and there were people with worse problems than me blah blah.

Here is the thing, you all bag me out for things I’ve said/done in the past, but I wouldn’t wish that kind of insecurity and stress on anyone-save for the people that caused me those 2 years of stress in the first place of course, I wouldn’t show them any mercy.

The point is, that when people find out too much about a person online, they can and will use it against you, all it takes is one person to doxx or hold a grudge, or take offense at what is essentially a private personal matter.

These days it’s even worse, we literally have people losing their careers over silly things they said online, making privacy doubly important.

If people are clearly trolling and sockpuppeting if Blizzard doesn’t like that, they can increase penalties for it, simple, the mods on this forum are still pretty active.

…I have nothing against the Undead here but that’s a TLDR so if anything comes out of this topic, believe that is NOT me lol.

Same. I might be back every now and again but last night was too much lol. Since I know you’ve dealt with this Ard for months, not sure how you can take it. Your back up is against the wall so bad here it’s nutty lol.

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You should have done that long ago, then maybe the thread would have fallen off the page. But nope and your buddies decided to drag things out and troll, trying to get things shut down for some selfish reason.

Literally reading none of it

Just letting you know that yet again, you’re the reason people don’t like dealing with you, its not some conspiracy theory or expose thing

So yea, you can just stop

And this is after being told that letting it die naturally=the discussion feels over, getting it shut down=someone will likley bring it right back up to keep it going on the chance more people have thigns to say or more can be said.

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You keep claiming you want privacy, then do a personal info dump, and then act shocked when thing get dicey. Just stop…