Can we get account wide ignore?

What timer? You can choose how long you can ignore someone?

There’s a dropdown menu when you ignore someone. Anything from ‘later today’ to Forever*.

  • According to Blizzard and/or Discourse, forever = 1000 years.

They work I have several already on and sometimes I peek in I give them three before they get a forever.

Yep,you go to your profile - preferences -user -add name there will be a tab you then select how long save done. You can undo it when you wish to.

This only is a problem when there are too many alts in a forum .It becomes troublesome on repeating it 50 or more times, so this is the reason they wish for account wide ignore.That is the reason for the discussion.

most folks would just say I didn’t say that because you are one personand switching alts doesn’t make you a new person and deleting a post doesn’t mean you didn’t say it…

thanks for coming to my ted talk!!



What toon you said it on doesn’t matter. What matters is you said it.


No matter how many alts you post from your account you’re still the same user.

I want to ignore the user not the characters.


my point exactly. but some here seem to think otherwise


Yes, I’m on my way to work I’ll show you a pic 12 hrs from now.


“That wasn’t me who said it! It was my little sibling who was using my character! I swear!”

“I don’t know why they keep getting on my character to yell racial slurs” :frowning:



Well, you did kind of deserve it, you came in fists swinging

No, People don’t like you because you are a contrarian, and you came to this thread under bad intentions.

What you guys need to do is just mute the thread, and be done with it. Right now, it just shows you are here to cause trouble, and really don’t care about the topic. If you are getting flagged a lot, maybe you should step away.

Or you can do what most people do, if you find a offending post, report it, keep your mouth shut and move on.


Maybe he doesn’t want it because he is trying for a new allied race
Forum Troll

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Try more like a people I’ve been grieved by list
Try more like a block people who switch toons to circumvent ignores
Try more like a your right to speak does not mean I have to be forced to hear what you have to say .

With account wide ignores and what we would like attached to them such as Flags also being account wide would limit the amounts to the account and not each toon would benefit the mods due to lessening the number each player has .

Plus with account wide ignores I can imagine a decrease in the use of flags ,because those most of us would flag would most be likely in our ignore even if they made a post we would deem flagable on a toon we didn’t know .

Yup it’s up to Blizzard to decide who gets to speak in here but it should be up to us to decide who we choose to listen to and not be forced to like the narcissistic mage and fox think we should .


Mama mia that is easily the funniest response to that you coulda done

Don’t deny saying anything at all, just say you didn’t say it on this character

Still you bruh


I guess this is right time for ghost to come out of the wood work on a thread
Happy Halloween.


Then who is this “us” you’re referring to?

Comes in here accusing others of being sockpuppets and then gets all huffy when accused of the same thing.



THey truly are a case of Pot meet Kettle


Well 4 of my posts out of 6 were restored so obviously they didn’t see me as deserving the abuse or came in swinging, sorry dude. You lost.

I apologized for what I said and yet I’m still getting harassed lol. You guys won’t stop. xD

Double post on accident.

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Morning everyone, it is another lovely day to support for:
:white_check_mark: Account wide ignores - Let me ignore the person, not one of there characters.
:white_check_mark: Account wide flags - People should not be able to switch between alts to flag the same post over.
:white_check_mark: Account wide likes - Same reason as flags
:white_check_mark: Account wide trust levels - Because you know, this should be based on the BNet account, not the char-server
:white_check_mark: Account wide total post count - Because all out post count should be linked to the account, with the post we make from the character only linked to the character


It is a day to support account wide ignore. The lovely part? Not so much.

It’s Halloween and it’s windy and cold and the snow flurries are supposed to start soon. I bought full size candy bars to give out as treats this year. We don’t get a lot of kids anymore. Now it will be even fewer. What ever will I do with full size Hershey bars, Kit Kats and Reeses? :thinking: