Can we get account wide ignore?

Fixed that for you. Nothing on the internet is truly anonymous. Don’t assume that your current main isn’t already known…

No, I’m pretty sure you are. I remember clearly the word you use for the less well-off people in your neighbourhood.


Seek some help huh? Sorry, but I’m not the one throwing a tantrum on the forums.

Why would I do that? I don’t flag people if I get paranoid.

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You got plenty of racism on the internet, including here on the World of Warcraft forums. Don’t act like you don’t have a choice in ignoring the racism.

Also, right wing or left wing? What has politics got to do with any of this?

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I’m mid,I like looks at both then deciding.

I didn’t say that on Lilithia to my knowledge?

I am aware of my own behaviour, and do take responsibility for my own behaviour, thank you very much.

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And yet I still know it was you, don’t I? You. Are. Not. Anonymous.


Not only we need account wide ignores to prevent people from bypassing our ignores, but we need an Code of Conduct update.

People need vacations for starting fights in a thread and continuing the fights.

Mods are aware that the mute button exists for threads, people who dislike a thread have the capability to walk out.

I think there should be vacation time for people who continue to fight with people to get a thread shut down instead of muting should get vacation time or locked out of the thread account wide by a mod.


Yet,you tell someone this? Come on . Not going to repeat it they can look straight up :point_up_2: to find it. So you own what you said ,ok.

I think we just need active moderators to help with patrolling the forums, rather than relying on the reports.


You mean when someone claims to not alt hop when they have alt hopped? Do you think I am seriously that stupid?

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They are aware that the mute AND ignore feature exists. The case currently is people don’t want to use it. You got folks thinking I’m like 5 other people and I’m not, if they blocked me here then that’s literally ONE less person to deal with but instead they sling insults left and right. I didn’t mean to say anything that was to hurt peoples feelings but they were trying with me all night.

Go back and look at the whole nights post. It was a circus.

And before the Night Elf and the Undead says anything, I’ve already apologized, twice.

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There a difference in a fight and a discussion. Fight is insults and demeaners to another person most likely one person. A discussion are civil in nature and not a debate .

From what i seen here is debating ,personal attacks and demeaning insult with a touch of snarking <a lot of this garbage.

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No,what did you call him? Do you see it?

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Oh, you mean nobody. Yeah, please remind me how it is bad to be a nobody?

I mean, here, to be perfectly blunt, I’m also a nobody. I am not the Queen of England, or a Prime Minister/President, or a celebraty. I’m just a perfect nobody sitting at home, on the World of Warcraft forums. And I do not regret saying they are a nobody.

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Hmm, ok you don’t see it ok.

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I’just skimmed through it, I was asleep I have no idea what kind of time people have to be on the forums day and night.

I have 3 or 4 people on my ignore in here. I can tell 2 are alts and 2 are different accounts. Typing habits are the biggest giveaway of a person. If I find out someone bypassing my ignore, I’m going to complain to a mod and I expect something done about it.

I shouldn’t have to contact any mod or take extra steps. Ignore should be done once not a million times over.

Maybe if we had account wide everything and posted on one identity people wouldn’t be witch hunting alts or playing the game Guess Who.


Well I never said I was against it is the funny thing. All I said was people just scroll past the ones people just hate and not keep unblocking people all the time and that’s when I had all those people in the the feral position with fangs bared lol. I can hardly believe some people are adults on here like I’m sorry lol. I don’t think even kids act this bad. It a suggestion for now since Blizzard already had a stance about the forums being spaghetti-coded or some other.


Could’ve fooled me :rofl: :dracthyr_shrug: :heart:

The ignore timer doesn’t even work here, I wanted someone on ignore for 2 weeks and it never shut off so I had to physically undo it. This was in March or April, I don’t know if they fixed it.