Can we get account wide ignore?

Have you tried taking your own advice?

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Of what, exactly? I don’t dislike or hate anyone here. All that is happening is people are flagging like crazy since I already got 2 more and I can’t even find the posts. I don’t have an issue like you all do.

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You might wanna tell your crew that the ignore button feature we have now works too… Instead of you know, this crap that’s happening atm.

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Yes, but many people don’t know this, which is why I have gone to extreme lengths to take care of my privacy.

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I mean, you can. But I don’t think anyone would go that low to flag themselves then blame others. :dracthyr_shrug:

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To paraphrase our buddy Ard, they ain’t my crew, and they don’t get their marching orders from me. I have zero control over anybody not sitting at my keyboard. If you have a problem with them, I suggest you take it up with… well, them.


Does it. I mean, if I were to place you on ignore, your alts would also be ignored?

If the answer is no, then account wide ignores please!


Yeah,flagged for just saying one phase ,yep .some work that way here doesn’t take much.

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But you have to switch alts to flag people. You seem to have enough time dude.
How many can you even flag before they tell you “Okay you’re abusing it now” and hop next alt?
Genuine question.

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You’ve done the opposite, quite literally. If you had given even half a thought to your privacy, there wouldn’t be Classic alts in here threatening to out your entire catalog of alts. I wouldn’t be surprised if a properly motivated adversary couldn’t send a postcard to your home, you’ve been that flippant about yOuR PrIvAcY.


Not ‘you’re abusing it’, rather ‘You’ve performed this action too many times’, followed by a timer before your oldest flag comes off cooldown. 8 per character. And as has been pointed out, with enough time (that I don’t have) a virtually unlimited number of characters.

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Considering I’m not alt hopping, yes. So if you ignored this toon then you won’t ever have to deal with me but I’m now wondering why I am not placed on ignored if you deem me a troll anyway. None of you have. You felt verbal violence was the correct way…

There is something wrong with these forums but I can’t help but come back because it’s hilarious entertainment. Still not as bad as people make it to be.

Hahaha, the most funniest lie on all of the forums.

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The point is, I’ve said stuff on here because it’s more anonymous, at the moment my main in game is a toon I am keeping private and not using for forum posting etc.

This is the World of Warcraft forums, not 4chan. You want to be anonymous, go to 4chan.


I’m old and was taught manners but other have not been taught that and it shows and since it’s designed for a PG audience ,well you can guess.

Calm down edgelord. I seem to recall you giving at least as good as you got.

Will I be reported if I offer or suggest to seek some sort of help? Flag me if you want but you’re incredibly paranoid right now.

I’m making this as fun as I can lol.

But I’m not a racist and not right-wing, I am quite left-wing in most of my views, 4chan is for all the racist and homophobic people

oh come on now ,now this,when well you realize the things you do?