Can we get account wide ignore?

I need coffee brb.ahm :sleepy:

Just because people generally have a low opinion of you doesn’t mean that your posts don’t deserve to be flagged.

There is no external force acting on you to prevent you from flagging posts you believe deserve moderator review. As I said earlier, I flag everything I find questionable, regardless of the source, and let Blizzard figure it out.

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Exactly. It is up to Blizzard to decide. Not us.

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Pretty sure several posts being flagged simultaneously is hardly a coincidence.

I’ll be asking them to look into the sources of those flags regardless of what happens to me.

I bet I won’t. One flag per post, I’m not abusing it, and I’m not flag-bombing. I am using the system as it is currently designed.

Oh, and full transparency, I haven’t flagged anything in the past several hours, so Ard’s hidden posts have nothing to do with me.

Pretty sure they won’t give you any details into who is flagging or stuff like that.

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Yeah I’m not looking to hunt down anyone.

Just mentioning that the flags likely came from a limited, shared source.

I didn’t even know his post were being flagged. And some of those flags, I do question on whether it was worth a flag actually.

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Or probably got someone to flag your post for you so you can look at another argument to start to continue with your trolling.

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I am now ignoring this entire thread cause I can.

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I really can’t tell if you’re genuinely this mad with me or just looking for another talking angle.

There are enough genuinely vile posts on these forums. Unlimited alts or not, I don’t have enough flags, or time, frankly, to waste on petty grudges or the simply irritating.

You’re welcome.

Now,I wonder if there is an auto flag if so then none of this matters. :coffee:

I’m just speculating. But the point is, you have also used your alts to also mass flag people Ard, so don’t act like your the victim.

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looking back at his post even if I really dont want to. Tbh I dont see the reason why it’s been flagged. But I’m guessing people saw it as trolling.


I have not.

You also cannot prove this in any way, shape or form.

I mean… I’m pretty sure you can flag your own posts from an alt, but that feels like a legitimately tinfoil conspiracy theory.

Yeah,seen that and it was fast,too.

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