Can we get account wide ignore?

If there wasn’t an emotional investment to see this change go through, then it wouldn’t have gone as long as it has.

Is this like some weak Eliza clone chatbot?

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If there was not an emotional investment in trolling, this topic would not even exist beyond the first one.

Get a clue Ard, only reason this has gone on for so long is instead of letting it die, you and others against it keep posting, thus bumping and keeping the topic higher on the forums. Don’t blame us for keeping it up when it is your actions and trolling that do the job for us.


About 53 posts in is when the topic started falling apart.

I didn’t come in until…200 odd posts in.

i thought you were for account wide ignore after the other topic of tags? what happened
this was the compromise and we are now here for account wide ignore and now you’re against it?

I don’t keep track of topics that are gone.

I have my own reasons to be against it though some here don’t like me enough to talk about it, some of them where the owners of the topics that got closed…and don’t have anyone else obvious to blame for it.

#53 is a post that addresses alt-hopping to avoid ignores.


you don’t know what you previously posted?


Who keeps track of everything they say?

people who are consistent and aware i suppose


No ones perfect :man_shrugging:

Wow you expect people to remember what they said yesterday?

Jeez, how unreasonable

I forget what I said before I even finish saying it


I mean, it does fit in with their claim that remembering what people do is bad behavior

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We’ve seen what talking about specific posters has produced.

Yes yes, not treating every interaction with someone as a fresh start is bad, we get that you think that.


I mean, the topic is almost 7k because certain bad actors. :roll_eyes:


Probably woulda hit like 50 posts and died lol


I just think that discussing a posters past comes dangerously close to Discussing Disciplinary Actions, as it is a rule on the CoC.

Still won’t admit that ignores do not impede your ability to post.


Absolutely. I keep saying that Ard and gang, try as they might are this topic subject’s biggest supporters.

Come on everyone! Let’s all give Ard and folks a big round of a applause. :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Big ups to you warriors of Account Wide Ignore!