Can we get account wide ignore?

That’s a nice thing that has nothing to do with what’s being talked about.

It’s almost like a consistent pattern of changing the topic when replying to people and insisting on them addressing that is trolling.


What’s the point of giving you more tools to fight trolling when nothing is actually being done to properly address it?

Nothing is going to change.

Yep, that person’s arguments against account-wide ignore are the best arguments FOR it.


Start addressing the points actually made in the thread and stop trolling with noise you made up yourself.


Yeah, smokescreening isn’t a good look…


Thats a pretty loaded statement, for something you could easily ignore.

And as a side note, did they get rid of the option to have a non-timed ignore?

Ooh the foxis typing wonder what irrelivant bad take he will have this time that has nothing to do woith the thread

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No, the option is still present from what I can see.

If you’re going to insert yourself in a discussion you can participate in the discussion by actually talking about the things being talked about. If you are not going to do that, you are just deliberately sabotaging that discussion with trolling. Especially if you attribute the non-related things you interject to the people who are actually talking with each other.


Weird, I just ignored a really obnoxious person in a different thread but the longest option I had was a year. But that was one where I had to do the hidden profile rigamarole.

Pretty sure I can’t start another topic with that specific statement in mind.

You’re doing it again troll.


You’re trying to dictate what I can or can’t post.

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I’m just calling out bad behavior as you do it.

Like when you cut out one sentence from a post about responding to people with something you made up and treating it like it’s their stance and expecting them to disprove it or defend it. And then act like it’s just me saying no one can change the topic.


If this was a simple change then the topic wouldn’t be 6951 posts long.

Well at least you have the courtesy to provide another example of my point.

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You’ve certainly made your dislike of me pretty clear.

Does anyone like being constantly disrespected?


Wonder if he realizes every incoherant reply he makes adds to the reason the thread is so long .