Can we get account wide ignore?

I meant more socially, rather than automated.

Yes, I agree, it’s a social thing. If you are gonna be a prat ingame, people have the right to exclude you from their groups. AND, if getting ignored over something on the forums, and it bleeds to in game, THAT is you probably might have to re-think things and how you behave.

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Oh I see ,yeah but you have proven it isn’t.

Just a reminder, account wide ignores are not

Witch Hunting

Just wild to have over 6k posts and the anti account wide ignore people have yet to give a single actual reason to be against it


So you’re claiming checkmate after… ignoring a request to clarify your specific point.

6 Likes’re fish baiting.

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Um… I’m still trying to figure out what the hell he is talking about…


It does amaze me how people act like an ignore is somehow a punishment. Sometimes people don’t like you and don’t want to interact with you, it happens, move on.


They speak in gibberish. It’s a total coin flip whether their posts are comprehensible or not.


Yep, they gotta learn the ignore isn’t the problem

They are lmao, there’s a reason people don’t wanna interact with them and it’s not some deep state conspiracy theory


That doesn’t amaze me. What amazes me is how one person claims certain toxic behaviour was “alright to do” in the past online.


In my opinion if a person wants a fresh start with me and they are in my ignore they should stay on the same toon that I ignored and not switch to make me think they are some one else.

If I see through their interactions with other people who quote them that they are showing change in their behavior I will consider taking them out of ignore.

Switching toons to pretend to be someone else just shows me a person not willing to change but one that will most likely return to their bad habbits.

The only reasons for toon changing are 1: It is the person’s current in game main 2: Using various toons to get all thier mogs rated 3: Changing toons for various class threads or threads about specific races.


Has one of their parents never used the whole 'Well if everyone jumped off a bridge, would you?" Line on them

Cuz apparently it’s a yes

I mean, I never been apart of any online gaming community that accepted such behaviour as “self harm”, as Lilithia keeps putting it in her own words:

I’ve been in a lot of gaming communities outside of WoW, with League, DOTA 2, Runescape, Minecraft even. And the worse I’ve seen is people telling others is to uninstall. What amazes me is they think “self harm” messages for one example, were something accepted by people.

People who are against ideas of changes to improve the experience are usually the toxic ones themselves, and they want the toxicity to continue, and making sure everyone see’s it.


The key to a fresh start is by changing the behaviour. Not changing the character


That’s exactlly what I’m saying .

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I’d also add that a fresh start is something YOU do. Not something that other people are obligated to provide you with.


Sorry? How’d we get to almost 7k posts? Thats almost 2k in 2 days…

It’s been a few hundred the last few days. Maybe your post count caught up? I see 6933.

Maybe the number depends on how many people you have ignored. I have no one ignored in here. The ones I wish to account wide ignore aren’t posting in this thread.

I mean when Blizzard throws normal flying behind a renown lock…they’re asking for that toxicity.

You’re asking for another wall to be built around a castle already built on sand.

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