Can we get account wide ignore?

Of course it’ll be dumb but here you have X coming to Y, X hates Y and then keeps un-ignoring Y over and over again. I feel like this whole thread is a joke. I’m already getting said I am Lilithia’s alt wtf lol?

If you’re doing bad things, and you’re wearing your guild tag, it can reflect poorly on your guild, so it’s entirely reasonable for your guild to give you the boot if you’re being garbage.

Again, being a jerk should carry appropriate consequences.


Maybe there should be a cooldown period between adding and removing an ignore. Doesn’t have to be a long time, but maybe 10 minutes or so just to prevent spam adding/removing/re-adding.

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Yeah these people are just proving the point as to why we need account-wide ignore. The only reasons given against it are “I want to be able to harass people on my alts without them knowing who I am”.


If the person wants a fresh start, they would have to better themselves as a person first and simply don’t be a douchebag.

If they are using a fresh start just to continue trolling and just being a douchebag again, then its hard for me to trust people using fresh starts because of how abusable it is and there is a reason why forum account wide ignore is being asked for because some bad apples use it just to continue what they were doing but on a different posting character.

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I do that any way after an instant on the forum. cooler head prevail better than a misguided heart.

What does it matter if someone ignores someone else? All it’s affecting is the user doing the ignoring. In fact, without them explicitly telling you ‘I’m ignoring you’ there’s pretty much no indication that someone has actually ignored anyone.

If they want to bounce people on and off their ignore list, there’s absolutely no problem with that.


I haven’t seen that here by say person. If can prove to me this person is alting the thread then maybe I see the point.

To do that would be a name-and-shame, which would run afoul of CoC nearest I believe. All we can do is discuss hypotheticals, as Hwanwok did.

Well,if you look up there alot of pointing going on. which one is or isn’t? is it the person viewing it or showing a name or even guessing? yet, it is a pov.

The only reason you don’t look at it as a good thing, because of the toxic behaviour you do. Then you expect people to give you a second chance.

Yeah, account wide ignores please.

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In some cases, but with the problem cases we just only have a “temporarily quiet the troll until they switch characters to keep at it”

It is ridiculous the lengths people will go to to demonize a request for a function to work as it does most places.

I mean, frankly half the time the people against the ignores seem to almost gleefully support things like this. I mean one of them was praising when flags completely hjd posts from everyone.

The amount of chutzpah these people show to complain about the invasion of their privacy when they feel entitled to stomp all over the privacy of others is astonishing.


I would say people only see privacy as a personal matter of information of the person,in game it could be a whole issue with a guild which has a reputation and if the person involve would have to if they did a wrong would have to start over again with a lesson learned . But fail to see why people don’t see this matter is it that rare?

… clarification please? This is not making sense.

How long have you played this game .if you played long enough you know this already.I’m not giving names so people can flag me I learn the deceptions already just by watching.

Gonna say this again…

Being ignored on the forum in no way impacts your ability to make a post or read a thread.

Being ignored in the game in no way prevents you to playing the game.


And before it can be said that being ignored ingame can restrict your ability to play to some degree (finding groups, services, etc.), again freedom of association is valid.


I’d say it’s not a request for specific examples, but more of a request to rephrase the point, because for me as well, it’s not really clear what you’re getting at in that post.


Here’s a litle bit of info for you.
**You are the actual threat to your real life reputation **

Things you have said in here and in other threads have shown people that you are not a good person . Being able to change toons will never change who you are no matter how much you pretend they will . Like most narcissist you do not take accountability for your actions and pass blame onto others including those that have been victims of your actions and words.


In actuality, ignores in game are personal, not system wide. They don’t prevent you from finding groups, use of services, etc… It doesn’t lock you out of those systems.