Can we get account wide ignore?

Yep…they’re just being contrary because they want to be able to harass people with alts.

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I’m sure it is affective but there are times when it can be used for wrong. One word boom account wide ignore is it permanent? or is a temporary? Does this apply a ban? Is it for a thread or the whole of the forum?

Why would ignore apply a ban and why would it be permanent? It just keeps that person from communicating with you. You can remove ignores whenever you want. And you can ignore anyone for any reason you want. I can decide to ignore all red-haired gnomes if I want to.

I’m not talking about the forums, I’m talking about the game. Sure, having everything at the level and have the ignore affect both the forums and the game would be nice, but that is a wish list item and is not required.

There is NO reason to be against account wide ignores. The only reason anyone would be against it is because they want to harass other people with alts and they know such a system would prevent that.

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Why would it be permanent or apply a ban? It’s an ignore. It’s not official moderation or Blizzard, it’s user self-care.


oh then there you go <<THE WHOLE GAME!

I should note, ALL online services have a way for a user to ignore other users. WOW is the only one stuck 20 years ago where you have to ignore individual characters, rather than the account.

I mean, sure? If an account gets ignored then it applies to both game and forum? Sounds great, but that’s a bit beyond the scope of the thread’s request at the moment.

Yep I agree. Would it be nice? Yeah. But it’s not required, and not really what this thread is about. All I want is, if I right click someone and select ignore, I want it to ignore their ACCOUNT at the level, not just that character. There is no reason to ignore a single character, ever.

No, Frostmourne was not a toxic server at all. Stop making things up.

Except, you account is not private. Your characters are not private. Only your RealID is private.

You’re making privacy as an excuse to evade others, because you want to bypass the ignore to stalk people, as you have mentioned a few post up. But you do not have the right too, and everyone has the right to block the person, not the character. You’re just a toxic person, as I mentioned earlier Lilithia. You think that you’re not, but I guarantee you, you are.

Oh, only a couple of rare instances, of also people who kept switching between alts to be found out who they were.


Yep, by definition, all information about our characters is public information. There is no private data there. It belongs to Blizzard, not to us, and Blizzard elected to make it public.

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Our accounts also belong to Blizzard. We’re only holding a license to the platforms.



Frostmorne never being a toxic server…sorry but thats the funniest thing Ive heard in this thread…

Everyone knew if you got Frostmourne people in a random dungeon especially a heroic you were in for a rough time if you were casuals

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Yep, the only private information, is our RL information that we gave to Blizzard to open and access the account. And none of that is exposed, so there is no privacy argument to be made.

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Yeah, and you’re just trolling now.


I never had frostmourne that bad not like Moon guard.

I did Frostmourne like Illidan and other PVP servers were havens for elitists.

Moon Guard if you stayed away from goldshire you were fine.

ahm,not really ,oh so they were playing with me all this time . :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

So you want privacy for characters accounts? and this would effect that?

I just want people to refrain from gossip and attacking people’s reputation

So obviously I’ll vote against a tool to prevent people from invading my privacy -Lilithia.