Can we get account wide ignore?

How many more alts are you going to keep switching in between?


yep. BTags for the WoW Forums. Problem Solved!

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I think I’ve reached the point where I’m just going to flag anything even vaguely inconsistent with the guidelines and principles outlined in the code of conduct, and anything resembling trolling. And I’m not overly concerned about which side of the debate the posts come from.

I’ve got enough alts that it’s unlikely I’ll ever run out of flags, but if there’s one thread on this forum with a chance of testing that limit, it’s this one.

I mean, I suppose I could just mute the thread, but it’s threads like this one that have me so close to 2 million posts read.

Not saying it makes it acceptable behavior, just saying I think it’s quite a cultural change that’s occurred in WoW if we have people from the old pvp servers trying to censor people somewhat now, just an observation more than anything else.

If I had time I would switch to my alts and upvote this comment, as I think that’s part of the problem, I can name half a dozen people in this thread that have made it clear they don’t like me, they ignore me and then unignore me all the time lol

Adding an account wide ignore does not censor anyone. This has been explain to you so many times, yet you ignore everyone.

And what does PVP Servers have to do with anything?

Well, when you admitted to using people and dropping them like flies, sending messages of self harm to others, as well as admitting to stalking people after they’ve blocked you, and acting like all this was acceptable in the past… Yeah, who is going like someone who acts like that.

Just admit it Lilithia, you’re just a very toxic person. And I do mean, a very toxic person.

Oh, I haven’t taken you off ignore, I do read the hidden replies, some of the time, and chose to reply back if I feel like replying back.


Well as I said, I am not saying this to get personal, it’s nothing against you, just pointing out EVERYONE from Frostmourne used to be toxic as hell back in the day.

I’ll admit no such thing, as context is everything, I bet most people in the same position I was on each of the things you quoted would have made all the same choices.


Speak for yourself kemosabe.

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No, you was trying to excuse the behavior. The old “Boy will be Boys” excuse.


Well that was the culture back then, I am not saying it’s the culture now, the culture has moved on somewhat and I respect that, I supported many of the changes that Blizzard made a year or two ago.

And what does it have to do with being ignored on the forums and it NOT impacting your ability to make a post?


In that case, then we should have more pvp content that why people have a release why of dealing with others. But I don’t think it would help with GD.

Ahm,this is beyond just placing an ignore or not talking to the person. Sure self control is a must but not the abuse trolling does personally.

We do have trolling that is sometime funny and entertaining ,but we also have to worse side of people coming out.

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Funny thing is the only people i put on block and ignore are the people that I think are a threat to my real life reputation,

I wouldn’t recommended adding anyone from WoW to facebook unless they are a person that knows how to smile and has a bubbly personality,

I wouldn’t ignore someone just for saying something I don’t like but if I must say so…

It seems silly to ignore someone then have a system that lets them see your posts

Sometimes it is needed especially those that yell in big bold letters ignore just help relieve undo torture. Oh they can see you but you don’t see the YELLING to react to it.

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So you do see the value in ignoring someone. That’s a start.

Ignoring someone should be a simple matter. There shouldn’t be ways to easily circumvent it, and it should be entirely up to the person doing the ignoring whether or not the individual being ignored is worth re-engaging again.

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There are always to circumvvent ignores though

Then make it as difficult as possible for others to circumvent the ignore. At the very least, it should involve more than clicking the ‘Change Character’ button.

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There is no situation that exists, or ever could exist, where you would want to ignore one character but not the same person’s other characters. Anyone stating otherwise wants to keep it the way it is to make it easier to harass people, and they know a true account wide ignore would stop them.

In 2004 there wasn’t really any way to implement this. In 2023, there is NO EXCUSE for ignore not being at the level. This needs to be treated as an urgent issue and implemented as soon as possible.


Privacy is the main issue.

So i vote no.

Cant risk people finding out who all my alts are I don’t need that.

People use to call out alts on cogshanks all the time I didn’t like that

Account-wide ignores don’t reveal your alts. They might reveal what account was blocked, but if you don’t switch alts to try and circumvent ignores, guess what? People won’t find out your alts.