Can we get account wide ignore?

Why I have to be a teacher when the student refuses to study or research on their own.
good day.

Well, it’d help where you could explain where blizzard comes into the interpersonal decision to give a person who burned you a second chance.


If Blizzard thought in absolutes then ignores would work where you wouldn’t be able to look at an ignored message, so it was likely designed with the idea that you might eventually lift the ignore on someone by your own volition than to keep it on permanently.

I don’t think it was designed purely in mind so you’d have the ability just to report a poster further. Though we’d have to speak to them to know for sure why the ignore system is the way it is today.

As for more personally giving posters second changes its ultimately up to you, though extending those ignores further into an account ignore would be culturally imposing as it would create an isolating effect where players uniformly ignore one another for just being different, since there is no evidence to suggest that these newer ignores would be used just for trolling and I bet you my bottom dollar that Blizzard wouldn’t set it up in a way to detect that the ignore isn’t being used for beyond its intended purpose.

TL;DR — Trust me, bro.


There is no second chance it all mounts,even if you haven’t did anything that violates coc for years.

As for bring personal experience to explain a topic in a discussion there isn’t anything wrong with it. Some don’t like it but that to some the only way to explain it. Problem is people view it and take offense because it’s not in the thoughts of a logical mind. The mind is amazing ,you just have expanse it to understand other pov.

Again, being ignored on the forums does not interfere with your ability to post.


There is no guarantee that account wide ignores would create a better community.

If anything it’ll make it worse, how long before posters start tribally ignoring one another based on their raid performance, lack of achievements and so on?

Actually, as shown by your friend in this thread. The current system completely takes it out of people’s hands and lets anyone decide to impose themselves on people no matter how much they don’t want to deal with them.

It’s really disturbing how controlling this mindset is, that other people are not allowed agency in dealing with people they do not want to.

We’re not talking about forum actions from mods. We’re talking about people taking others off ignore here.

That’s never going to happen in a way that is actually meaningful.


I’m never gonna understand this type of mentality where anyone would actually figure just because say you or me ignores them that somehow that automatically means everyone else’s ignores them as well, it’s beyond crazy since each and every person has to decide for themselves who to add to ignore list or how it even ties to the whole not being able to post because what?


Same principle but you twisting again.

I disagree. It’ll kill these forums.

The tribalism won’t be a background element anymore, it’ll be out front for everyone to see.

We have this thread here as proof that that will never happen.


Where did I say that? The only one is saying that chuckles, is you.

And dogs and cats will start living together, Mass Hysteria!

If they want to ignore someone for those reasons, they can if they want. I know some are ignoring me because I’m on a boring vanilla human paladin… Like I said, being ignored on the forums doesn’t impact your ability to make a post.

Notice they won’t comment on that.


And it’s doing a good job on both sides.

These forums do not start and end in this thread alone.

They don’t for sure,the same stuff travels by those that wish to cause chaos ,You can’t reason with them and I’m sure that is true here .People have reason for explaining the way they do.

Watching for traps . :eyes:

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I find this hard to believe given the ability to actually ignore someone and not have to interact with them 100% without them bypassing the ignore just by changing characters would make the forums a much safer and much healthier place for us all.


Yeah, but those of us being trolled by the sockpuppets couldn’t even stick to ignoring the blank account minimum level characters that were obvious trolls.

Human nature does not work how you are saying. It just doesn’t.


Then we should have the level raised so you can have an ignore applied, seems better.

Or you know, not just let them evade ignores faster than we can ignore them.

But again, the point is that humans don’t work the way ard says that the forums are going to come together as a whole to ignore some unfortunate innocent waif. People like arguing and seeing what the drama is, most people don’t use ignore that often. But when it does get used it should just work, not sort of work.