Can we get account wide ignore?

It should work but like you said level 10’s are a problem and should have the level raised to enter the forums this could solve some of the problems with repeated trolls. Plus it also helps in those first entering the social aspect of the forums. let’s face it the CoC is complicated enough.

You must have 2500io to even speak to me you peasant! :roll_eyes: :rofl:


Or, ignore can work on the account level so that no one has to deal with that.


I can still remember a hunter flipping out when I won a trinket roll in the Forge of Souls on my Enhancement Shaman back in vanilla Wrath.

Needle Encrusted Scorpion.

Nah,make it more problematic.

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I guess people are “ignoring” the fact that being ignored, no way impacts your ability to make a post on the forums…


There’s a song from The Book of Mormon I’d like to link here


I remember waddling up (I was on a gnome) to a paladin wearing revamped OG tier 0 in the middle of Ironforge during vanilla and asking for a burger and fries. He…did not take it well :joy:


That’s funny.

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Hard to be worse when it comes to ignores than the current system (barring just removing the function)


You’re right. It won’t create a better community. But it will reduce the trolling when the forum trolls are being ignored by people because people will be biting the bait less.


Tell me this how fast can a level 10 come to the forum?

I think they just need have logged on, and sat for 3 days.

So, make an AR/DH/Evoker alt and log it in and wait for when you need it.

Spend a little time ahead of when you need it, then you just click to the next one.


They need to switch it up to needing 36 hours of /played time. Which may seem easy, but is harder than create a new toon, log into it once, log out, then waiting for it to pop up the armory.

And also make it so Classic toons can only post in the classic forums.


No raising just that? but you have to be level 10 at least? How long would it take for 20 of them? Not saying I’ll do that I have enough alts as is.

I have to agree on that classic should be classic.

As long as it takes to randomly create 20 AR characters who start at level 10 and log them each in once.

GG, :eyes: they take all of that to troll with? They really need some other stuff to do. require them to be 60 let them work for it.

I mean, a few of them in here have multiple battle net accounts just for trolling that they’ve bought games for. It’s weird.


Ahm, I worked nearly all my life but that is work I don’t wish to go to. Yeah,that is weird .