Can we get account wide ignore?

I mean… it’s Sunday. Trolls are always busiest on Sunday.


That’s not ambiguous.

That’s making stuff up whole cloth and attributing it to other people to make them look worse. Which you generally claim to think is a bad thing to do (while constantly accusing others of doing it.)

Has anyone said you can’t say what you want on the forums?

Or have people not taken your BS seriously because you keep making up outlandish noise and acting like it’s fact unless someone else does the impossible to prove it wrong?


You can’t prove him wrong, because he simply changes the nature of the reality he lives in to one where he is correct.


Ard, if you started giving specifics, you’d go into anaphylactic shock.


All one has to do is to be against account wide ignores to be wrong about everything.

its National Cat Day!

and cat wants account wide ignores :smiley_cat:


There you go making stuff up again.

That’s mostly trolls and people feeding them, not what you’re trying to twist it into :roll_eyes:


Just my 0.00002 copper here, but I think they won’t do that because then we could all see just how dead the game is.
We would all be able to see that the trolls on our server is actually just one guy with 27 different accounts, multiboxing, spreading misinformation about your guild all because you refused to let them Shaman heal as Enhancement for your Dragonsoul Heroic 25 progression raid team…
Then you would never see how those 50 trolls are actually just one girl with no life and the ability to “hack” into basic security systems online, holding a grudge against you…so they doxx some old grandma who runs a daycare in a completely different state, which then leads the FBI to get involved because doxxing is a crime and blizzard has been known to just let it happen, especially when that person has 27 accounts.

Well, it used to be nearly 800 people across two guilds that were very active not only in guild but out the the community/server at large…
But now its just me and my gf.

Accountwide ignore will solve nothing.
The problem comes with the fact that Blizzard always punishes the wrong people.
Take as an example me getting allegedly in trouble for just simply pointing out that somebody was off topic. No more no less, allegedly, than just a simple reminder to not troll.
Somehow worth a 48 hour suspension.
No review.
Just a simple “hey, what you are saying has nothing to do with the topic and you are being rude to other people” in those exact words, allegedly, is enough to get you punished.
Meanwhile the same people who will report you for that, go on in the same post to just flat out harass other players in the thread just for simply disagreeing with them.
They are the most childish people you will ever meet.

So again, accountwide does nothing.
What you need to do is actually bring back customer service agents to actually MANUALLY review things.

However, Blizzard is realizing the same thing that Riot GAmes did.
You can’t control the toxic little nuggets of vacuous head-spaces that frequent the game.
Notice, how they moved their forums off the website and on to Reddit.
It cleans it up for investors who might be tech savvy enough now to know that an unhealthy forums looks bad for everybody. And then you can just let all that customer service staff go in yet another mass layoff that saves the company a whopping 0.25% this quarter…

Ignoring me or You or anybody else isn’t going to solve the problem.
You need to hold people properly accountable, which is impossible at the moment without a human manually reviewing the reports and posts that get flagged.

I’ve seen people on here get flagged, successfully I might add, for things like “I don’t quite agree that Tauren are all tribal”.
A simple line stating that you think some tauren groups have decided to settle down and make big cities.
Flagged. Not even me. Just some poor dude who had the gall to disagree with somebody on the forums.

You know why it went through? Flagging is just automatic. Nobody reads it. As stated above, we need people manually reviewing things.

I circle back specificially to my guild-wide stalker who was so toxic and clinically insane that the FBI had to track down 27 different WoW accounts, on 8 different core machines, running all through some kind of vpn type service…
And they still doxxed the wrong person. Remember, some random old grandma had her whole life ruined because of some WoW stalker mistaking her for me…
All because I said they can’t heal as Enhancement in a Dragonsoul 25 heroic progression raid team…

Even if I had blocked their entire account, they still had 26 others.
In fact, I can count on one hand…how many people that I know who have multiple accounts.
Honestly, its just me and my gf there too lol. I only have one account.
But I would wager a solid 1/3rd of our players have at least one other account.

What we need are consequences for people who actually do bad things, and punishements for the people who just randomly flag things because they disagree with you.
Like, how is “this post is upsetting” a valid reason to have somebodies voice taken away?

I don’t like what a lot of people say on here. I don’t ignore them or block them or even report them.
I report racism or the obvious troll / toxic jerk and such…but frankly most things aren’t even noteworthy, let alone worth the energy of getting “upset”
Like, how are you still online if you are flagging WoW posts for being upsetting? LOL if something on here is upsetting, then you must really hate public spaces and freedom of speech or something.
And before you start that “its the forums, so not free speech” except the part where we do have free speech in here too. There are just caveats that Blizzard put in.

But the clause of “upsetting” is just another way of saying “we give our players the right to harass you and abuse the flagging system, for literally any reason at all without exception or recourse on your part because we have removed customer service from the equation”

As I have found out a lot lately, Blizzard’s cs only cares if it involves the police or FBI.
Oh, and if you want absolute immunity to your account’s being banned, just multibox. They will literally never ban you for anything, not even federal crimes if you just multibox.

The other half of the problem is that if they started actually holding people responsible for the terrible crap they say, they would soon find themselves without a playerbase.
Because let’s be real, Blizzard is just inches away from pawning the forums off onto reddit like Riot GAmes did.


10/10, bang on.


Honestly,they do regardless of appeal you still have a record .

Lol, that was my reaction since I tabbed out and looked back and was like good lord what. :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:


I’m not gonna quote them for obvious reasons, but I literally just saw an ignored poster several posts above this post who basically said “I don’t want account wide ignore because I like being anonymous on this forum as this is my trolling safe space”. Obviously I’m paraphrasing but you get the idea. What better example of why we need account wide ignore is there? This particular individual is already on my ignore list for good reason. Then they come out in this thread and admit to the reasons why they’re on my ignore list! So of course these types of people don’t want account wide ignore! Having account wide ignore would mean they can’t continue to troll/be stupid to whomever they please with absolutely no recourse for the ones being harassed.


I actually read the thing, and it’s just rambling that, if I’m REALLY generous, maybe tangentially related to the topic a little bit.

Blizzard does how?

I’m not talking about bans or suspensions. Just when someone gets fed up with someone and ignores them (since that’s what we’re talking about) when does Blizzard come into it? Or people recognizing someone they’ve had a bad experience with elsewhere and that informing their opinion of them?


Search the forum then come back,it’s every where even on cs. I’m not going to research for you.

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as they have stated before (they are in heven) with the zero consequences way they have been going about lol



Yeah and you’re the circle when will you reach the center?

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Why do I keep attracting people who refuse to actually talk with me and instead just make gibberish arguments that don’t make any logical or sometimes grammatical sense and act like they’ve some how schooled me?


She’s is a well known troll/baiter on this forum. Just add them to your ignore list like I have. Oh wait. They can just switch to an alt and continue doing what they’ve admitted to doing deliberately. It’s…it’s almost as if they’re making our argument for account wide ignore for us, doesn’t it? :thinking: :rofl: