Can we get account wide ignore?

Just saying that comparing other forums under Blizzards wing isn’t the same as the WoW one due to the connection between our characters to forum avatars.

You can see that on this toon with my new t-mog which constitutes as a form of RPing to me. Account wide ignores would tarnish this since posters as so determined to hound others over their “reputation”.

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Considering the amount of interest you’ve invested into this posters activities, I’d say you’ve invited them to speak their mind.

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I see it’s been another fine day of the people against normal forum functions explaining why it’s bad to not let them control how other people use this forum.


While ignoring that they’ve been attempting to control posters anyway…

So tell me who has been acting like giving someone a second chance should be forced on a person whether they want to or not?


I don’t recall being that specific…

This reads like you saying that a person not wanting to give someone another chance if they haven’t done anything to show it’s worth it is a bad thing.


I think he may be talking community-wide, but that isn’t what anyone’s seeking. An account-wide ignore would allow a second chance to be given on an account-by-account basis, depending on each person that ignores a person.

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It’s still Blizzards platform at the end of the day. You don’t get to decree who can or can’t post around here, regardless of their history.

What does Blizzard have to do with individuals giving someone another chance. Or having a memory when people do bad things?


As I said they do run the place, and likely have a different view on the matter since you obviously feel certain posters haven’t been punished enough.

Honestly, a disingenuous read. A person wanting to ignore an account, rather than specific characters on said account each time the person wants to reinsert, is not seeking to punish. They are simply desiring the ability to choose who to see by default and who to take with a grain of salt as it were.


Looking at the content and length of this thread alone leaves me hard to believe that to be true.

Then isn’t it possible to say that exactly as you did, rather than directly asserting that at least one person here who replied earlier wants to punish posters? One says it’s a possibility, the other says it’s flat true.

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Blizzard does not write, your posts, my posts or anyone else’s posts. They do not ignore anyone for anyone, and they do not earn any posters a reputation that they may not want to have.

Please stick to what we’re actually talking about, it’s pretty rude.


I must often defer to Blizzards overhead on these matters due to the inherent bias present between either party, should we come anywhere near any amicable agreement in conversation.

Well that certainly is a sentence that says absolutely nothing at all.


You know, I could raise how it was discussed that making it a two-way ignore made it too much like X/Twitter, and that it would be abusable by preventing either party from justifiably reporting a post. Yet, when that point was acknowledged… it was discarded soon after and it was argued it wasn’t likely to happen…

A rare moment of alignment in a thread like this, and it yielded nothing.

You’re doing the making stuff up about the people you don’t like thing again.


If being ambiguous frustrates you then just say so, trying to pin my statements into a specific meaning doesn’t do either of us any favors.