Can we get account wide ignore?

It was. But He wants to continue spreading misinformation on the matter.


Go to 4chan if you want to express yourself without consequences.


Hey everyone just got a quick update, that once again what I said been restored by staff so I believe clearly they listening to both sides of the argument,

Anyway I will wait patiently to continue this

So you’re saying it is best if we didn’t use our game avatar but a select ones would be better for a more private arrangement?

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I have and many others in the btag threads plenty of times provided citation that Btags are public info and other Blizzard forums have been using btags for quite some time while I and many others asked multiple people to provide citation on how it would be abused and the ability to find characters, the burden of proof is on you when it comes to those claims.

Now in this topic about Forum account wide ignore, I ask you to provide citation of how it would be a abused, the burden of proof is on you.

If you want to do clean slate, I would want you to change your behavior and better yourself as a person first, if you can not, there is a reason why account wide ignore or btags is being requested here because of the forum software treats our characters as accounts, some bad actors will just abuse it if they get heat on their previous character and get a clean slate on a new character and be an entirely different person or can get around an ignore easily.

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I do admit, I am highly appreciative of how impartial the mods of this forum are these days, it’s making me feel that the forum is working as intended,

It’s also making me feel that sometimes in life, even if it’s hard, we simply have to stick to our truth, even against strong vocal opposition, even attacks on our character/integrity, that sometimes it’s better to stick up for what we believe in, and what we think is right…

Whatever people think about me and my past and my issues, I do believe that there is validity to my arguments, I can’t give a link directly, but you are all free to research my source, that Pew Research Center on December 6 2022 released an article that said “Social Media Seen as Mostly Good for Democracy Across Many Nations but U.S a major outlier”

The reason I am mentioning this article, is because of this specific graph they linked, mentioning both positive and negative outcomes, with 73% of people agreeing that it keeps us informed with current events, 45% saying that we are more accepting people from diverse backgrounds and whatnot.

But here is the point, the one negative outcome that 84% of people agreed with in the study was that social in media in general was “easy to manipulate with false information and rumors” this was even higher than people being divided in their political opinions.

Ergo, many people are concerned about rumors being spread about them online, which to me is a very valid concern, nobody wants their dirty laundry spread around through cyberspace, people shouldn’t gossip about others to make themselves look better, thing is everyone could air my dirty laundry but I could name several high profile people that I could call out for doing this or that, name one celebrity or famous person that’s perfect unless your Mother Teresa (and even if she had her critics), the point is we all have skeletons in our closet and things about ourselves that we don’t want other people to know, I don’t want things I say on the forum to get back to my main guild and that’s that


Just because a post was restored by the forum moderation, does not mean they are listening. It just means they didn’t find your post in violation of the forum code of conduct.


Has nothing to do with this thread and is a obvious attempt to derail the thread into other subjects.


No but they do get to dictate who and when a person or persons gets to have a second chance when that person has aggrieved them .

BLizz givimg you a second chance or what ever by letting you back in after say a suspension is on them. Has nothing to do with the individual person.

You making the person not want to deal with you means they get to dictate if and when (if ever) they will interact with you . You being able to change toons does not change that.

You do not have the right to say what you want to that person once they ignore you . Your right to free speech is no longer their concern because they are not the government (who have to recognize your right to free speech) but a private citizen with no obligation what so ever to do so .


THe seriousness of the offence can be different to Blizzard and the offended individual.

Just because Blizzard goes ok this doesn’t break our CoC or ok you have served your suspension time does not mean you get to force tho other person to hear/see what you have to say .

Each person here including you gets to decide what they choose to hear and who they interact with . Blizzard allowing us all to post does not change that fact.

No they won’t because they will eventually do the same actions that got them ignored in the first place.

A second chance would be realizing what they did was wrong on the offending toon and admitting so to the person they offended and feeling actual remorse for their actions.

THis is the only real reason for doing so .

Man, you really just aren’t a good person, are you?


No they’re not .


It’s like

“I should be able to do and say whatever I want and then instantly get a clean slate the moment no one wants to talk to me anymore but if you ever being up the stuff I’ve done, you’re the bad guy”

So it’s like extreme narcissism, hypocrisy, sociopathic tendencies, and well just being a jerk lol


That’s exactly what I’ve been saying .

The fox may be annoying and just trolling but the undead mage is just beyond toxic in my book .


The things they’ve admitted to here on the forums, no wonder they’re against this stuff. They’re just using privacy as an excuse to evade others privacy.


They shouldn’t but this is a form of social media ,the spread is apparent even here bad or good as for reputations there are none here just groupies wishing to be the top lead in anything and everything ,blocking those that ask question and whine up in dismay by their rude behaviors and twisted sentences to bring a falseness .

With that it is better to be safe and change the character pics to avatars. Keep the ignore and see what happens. To be fair minded ,I think even that can be by passed.

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all this and more :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:


True, which means they are that special breed that thinks thing are only worth while if it affects them. If one is concerned about their privacy, why do they invade/evade the privacy of others? Karma is a female dog and she is looking to bite, who will be the ones that get bit?

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I think we should be talking about account wide ignore. Not about people who are posting here. :thinking:

In my opinion, account wide ignore would be good for me on the forums. :jack_o_lantern:


Talking about them just shows why we need account wide ignores .

It shows that we need a way to protect ourselves from those that are willing to bypass our ignores in the current state to continuosly force themselves on us in order to destroy our peace.

Pointing out how some will change their toons because they believe that doing so will protect their privacy shows that they in fact don’t care about anyone elses privacy and would gladly violate the other person/s privacy by switching toons to do so so there fore saying something shows the need for account wide ignore.