Can we get account wide ignore?

And I find it funny that you are continuing to defend the person who had (at that point) been harassing me for the better part of 6 months.


I don’t keep biographys of everyone who speaks on these forums.

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When someone spends 6 months or more harassing you across multiple characters, you start to take notice.

Just like when someone spends close to 2 years replying with nothing but nonsensical non-sequiturs, vaguely impolite snide comments and/or generic insults, you start to take notice.


This is still a public park, what you’re essentially saying is callouts of your kind are acceptable which will just make the park worse than it is now.

Continuing with the public park analogy: we should side with the people who aren’t cleaning up after their dogs over the people who are taking note of people who aren’t cleaning up after their dogs?

No park is perfect.

If it ever was it’d crumble.

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So we should just be ok with people making it worse for everyone else because it’s not perfect?

The owners don’t seem to care who jumps the fence.



They sure aren’t doing enough to remove the problems (systemic and community) that it has.


that’s right and all we are asking for is to block them completely or put measure in place to keep folks in check like every other forum but overall account wide ignore is the way to go because we can make that decision ourselves


They simply don’t value it as much as you do.

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Yes please, and thank you


Who says they deserve a clean slate?

The whole point of being anonymous online is so your real self doesnt suffer for things you said online.

Its not the same thing as changing your number to stalk an ex like people have suggested (though i have noticed in real life all i have to do is switch my number to private to get through to someone actually if they block you but that’s irrelevant)

The point is public forums are my anonymous internet space

So, you’re actually admitting to stalking people too. Good lord, that is extremely toxic. No wonder people don’t want to interact with you, online or out in society. With behaviour like this, nobody wants to be around.

The point of the World of Warcraft forums is a place to discuss about the game, not to use the platform as a personal blog site to discuss things about real life problems.


Oh no to clarify I never stalked someone in real life in one case i didn’t know someone blocked me only tried to switch my phone to private to figure out if I was blocked or something happened I left them alone after I figured out I was blocked.

And yes the forum is about discussing the game…

In particular…the No side of account wide ignore wants privacy online that’s all it is and that’s all most other people in the No camp have been talking about as lack of privacy can lead to unwanted attention

Depends on who you ask.

Plus you’d have to factor in the seriousness of the offence, which Blizzard seems to have a handle on since the forums are still functioning fine.

There might be the occasional flare of activity but hardly anything that warrants the need for tighter controls.

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That’s not hearsay. Good grief.

They don’t allow toons from their respective games to act as forum avatars so I’d say they’re fundamentally different from what these forums are and technically aren’t the same as the WoW forums, therefore they can’t be used as solid evidence of the proposed system changes working as intended.

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