Can we get account wide ignore?

Good thing people just want an ignore and not a blacklist. You seem to keep confusing the two, like you were deliberately making stuff up to make the people you’re against look worse or something.

Eh, it’s something to do, and mainly just want to have it nearby pointed out that he’s spouting nonsense, and see just how far he’ll contort to not answer the question or respond to points people are actually talking about.


they will try anything in an attempt to hold some ground even if it makes no sense it seems


Fair enough.

Another thing I’m curios on is what time/place lilithia is thinking of for this whole “what I did was ok in the past” nonsense.

It’s kinda sad that I haven’t seen any of the really out there explanations of why it would be bad, like “But, say people roleplay getting ignored on the forums, then they wouldn’t be interact on the forums on other characters!”

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it’s never acceptable thats for sure

Agreed, but there are certain time/places that they could be thinking of where it wasn’t as clear cut (none of them good)

Not offering any breathing space for anyone to have a chance at a clean slate leads me to this conclusion.

For a clean slate chance to mean anything, you have to earn it. Neither you nor lilithia have done anything that warrants earning a second (or let’s face it, 23rd) chance.


You do not get to dictate who gets second chances for this community, no matter how aggrieved you or the supporters feel that you are.

I’m saying that if you demand a second chance, then do the exact same thing that landed you in hot water in the first place, you’ve wasted your extra chance.

After you’ve done that enough times, you don’t deserve any more chances.

None of this is me dictating who can do what. If anyone finds themself in that scenario, it is entirely their own fault.

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Then that is for Blizzard to decide.

Not you.

you do this by changing your attitude and behavior


Blizzard doesn’t set player reputations. A player’s reputation is entirely the result of that player’s own actions.


You are from Frostmourne. Do you have any idea how toxic and rude people were from that server back when it was a PVP server?? the kind of offensive and rude nonsense that people would come up with and spout??

You can only poke the bear so much until you finally get a reaction

The acceptable reaction there is to report and/or ignore. Not how you evidently responded.


Hounding specific posters about their “reputation” would constitute as a form of harassment.

If you think someone mentioning your past actions is in some way a negative portrayal of you, you have to ask yourself why you made those actions.

I would ask why that person feels the need to try ruining their experience in return as an act of revenge.

You’re not creating a friendly environment by constantly pointing out posters short comings, you’re just fanning the flames of hate since nothing is black and white anymore.

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Why are you so convinced that revenge is the only possible motivation for other players to mention this? Is it possibly because it’s your motivation for continuing to interact in this thread?

In this case, someone has a reputation for giving statements that don’t actually say anything other than game bad or other players bad people, and they do the same thing, warning others to not expect anything else is doing a favor for the other people in said hypothetical thread?

If someone has a reputation for stating opinions as facts, and they present something as a fact, it’s a valid reason to be more skeptical than usual.

Wasn’t your first comment in this post to come in here swinging about posters with a “reputation”?

This is starting to feel like the situation on that recent South Park special when Cartman sent letters to KK.