Can we get account wide ignore?

Oh god it’s all in English, it’s all the same, my points are entirely disproven HOW COULD YOU BERTRAY MER LIK----


FYI, another company runs and updates the forums. Blizzard just tells them what changes they want.

So, this sad attempt at fearmongering can stop.


Nothing, people have show they are incapable of being nice to each other. Hell, they raise a stink every time the Social Contract pops up.

Yeah, who uses the forums to be “Nice”.


Everything happens in retail.

The circle is going for another round and the dot is waiting in the center.

You got it :rofl: :rofl:

Lol, just read over 150 new posts and the absolute dedication from the people against account wide ignore in this thread pushing misinformation, fearmongering, making stuff up, oversharing stuff they shouldn’t be sharing, moving goalposts, etc. is often such a yikes but also kind of ironic because they keep this topic going and going which is super funny since they just keep reinforcing again and again why account wide ignores, flags, posts, likes, etc. should exist on the WoW forums.


That never actually happened, Ard, and I think you know that. What did happen is that a change was made that resulted in an in-game UI element displaying the player’s name. Nobody else’s, just the player’s. And it was patched rather quickly (think hours, not days or weeks).

Had absolutely nothing to do with the forums.


It’s impressive in a sad way


I guess I missed the press release where ATVI announced they bought Discourse. Guess they’ll be folded into Microsoft, too.

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Who chose to use them specifically.

Not like Blizzard has had no hand in the forum configuration.

Threatening people with self harm messages were never accepted. Stop this “it was accepted in the past” nonsense.


I don’t think anybody wants to see this, regardless of the context that its used.

Please stop bringing it up.

Why are you still arguing with the fox. All he does is run around and chase his tell not ading anything to the coversation .

If he had something to actually add he would show what proof he actualy had to prove his point instead of proce his point wrong.

How is one to prove a point wrong when he has never actually made a factual point or one that could possibbly considered factual .

His idea of facts is

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No, your partner in crime brought it up.

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I want to share the grumpy cat version of what does the fox say, but I’m afraid I will get silenced.


Forcing a single posting identity would likely remove a lot of the availability of being mean to other people, as they won’t be able to reset that reputation.

Infinite, disposable identities is a source of some of the problems we have here.

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Blacklisting isn’t a good idea.

The community can’t be depended on to fairly arbitrate who can or can’t post without constantly being pinged by baggage, regardless of its context it’ll make the forums look waspish and hostile if anyone says the wrong thing.

This isn’t blacklisting.

For evidence that blacklisting is practically impossible on this forum, you still get replies in this thread on your single toon Ard.