Can we get account wide ignore?

Not entirely sure what you’re getting at here with the can be many? Are you talking about linked accounts or more than one person ignoring?

I really have trouble thinking how, in a realistic scenario, an ignore feature can be misused in a way that causes anything other than minor inconvenience.

Never happened. Was in game clan system I believe if both parties had RealID active.


Thats a little generous, don’t you think?

Doesn’t inspire confidence that they could get any revamps right here if they did any.

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LOL, not playing it .

The only thing that changes is one person hides the messages of another person from their view until a time of their choosing.

This is apparently an unforgivable trespass.


It doesn’t to me too.

19 years by the way and that’s the first time that’s happened. And that doesn’t inspire confidence?

What’s the point in even using that example. You have been against this subject well before that.

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marks off another attempt to change the topic because Ard’s got nothing


Because a single misstep means code can never ever be updated. Despite it being present in an entirely different system for an entirely different game by an entirely different team that may even be in an entirely different building if not an entirely different city or state.

I assume that’s sarcasm?

Stands as evidence for a need for assurances, should Blizzard move to make any changes to these forums.

I’ll take “Things Ard wouldn’t recognize if they came up and bit them in the rear end” for 1000.

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It stands as evidence as a need of assurances by the team that made the error until they’ve proven they can make sure such bugs aren’t likely to happen again.

The WoW forums team and the D4 in-game team are different and thus aren’t responsible for each other.

Did you forget that it’s not Blizzard that updates the forums? It’s another company.

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Who are still controlled by Blizzard.

Who they’re controlled by is irrelevant. Is every citizen in a city responsible for the actions of every other citizen of that city? Even if they’re not in said city at the time of the action?

Pretty sure it does if anything goes horribly wrong.

Doesnt that already happen on retail though?

Wait, do you have evidence that different things are in fact different?


Nothing went ‘horribly wrong’. A glitch happened, that was addressed. It was embarassing, they apologized, fixed it, and moved on. That’s how a professional does it. They don’t obsess over a small mistake like that.

And, again, even then, there is literally zero crossover between the D4 in-game team and the Forums team development-wise. Management-wise, they answer to the same company, but development is not management.