Can we get account wide ignore?

I do this a lot actually. If I find myself in a situation where I may end up saying something stupid. Ignore until I cooldown. It works.

It’s still abuse but I want you to keep the fact that it appeared in mind, and think of how it would be harder to handle if your suggestion were implemented.

For some reason I read this as you ignore yourself…which kinda made me LOL

You’re… You’re familiar with what the word ignore means, right? I can copy-paste it from the dictionary if you really need it, because you seem to be struggling.

And it doesn’t matter what you agree with, people have a right to ignore something they find harmful or unpleasant to hear. Notice how the speaker isn’t being harmed or silenced in the least; they’re welcome to spew whatever they want to keep spewing as long as the mods let them. Their audience is not captive however, anyone can choose to block out anyone else.

All you want to do is hold a gun to someone’s head and force them to listen to your garbage by making the ignore button so much worse than it needs to be.


It’s not abuse. It’s someone expressing their opinion and it happens to be one you and I probably dont agree with. The thing is, he has the right to say it. If he didnt break CoC, it’s not my place to punish him for it.

You fail to notice how it breached forum CoC?


how you keep doing mental gymnastics to come up with my intentions are truly amazing …your mind must be in Olympic shape. (/eyeroll)…i just want the ignore to be permanent so people have to think about it instead of just changing the channel every time someone says something IN A FORUM they dont like. THAT’s my intention

if it did, why is is still up but yet several posts in here have been incorrectly flagged as “Trolling” and restored …

hmm,what has that to do with this at all?

No it’s not, just leaves one person not reading one other person’s posts. The other person is still free to read all the posts they want, and can post freely. No one is owed someone else’s attention, which is the only way presenting an ignore as a punishment works, treating other people as a captive audience that others are owed the attention of.

In some cases by ignoring someone who gets on your nerves you’re less likely to get into a fight at least with that person and drag a thread down that way.

Other than that all the other Blizzard forums using the same backend software and moderation staff does it already, making it not a hypothetical.


The “discussion” will never end. The goalpost for them will keep getting pushed.

Next it will be “How do we know the new system doesn’t glitch and delete all of WoW!”, or some such garbage.

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But ignore isn’t something you should have to think about. It should be easy to do, and easy to lift as the user decides. The only purpose to making ignore harder to do, or requiring more dedicated commitment, is to benefit the people that would be targeted by it, trolls and harassers.

EDIT: A public forum, a term you cling to like a security blanket, allows you to speak your mind within the rules of the forum. It does not obligate anyone to hear you until they choose to.

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Because literally nobody has made the claim that it won’t be exploited, or even that it won’t be exploitable. You could end this pointless back-and-forth if you would just stop insisting that it will be exploited and just admit that you can’t know that because you don’t know how it will be implemented. Neither does the other side, so absolutely no one has guaranteed it won’t be exploitable.

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Let’s not falsely equate. As even Vrakthris said, they come down in time if flagged and found inappropriate, and some take longer than others in some instances. It’s one of the concerns I felt he addressed very well.

It’s nice to know that a thread which referred to things as “unnatural”, that it was rewriting nature and forcing everyone to just accept it, that things were related to an “ideology” and to “political agendas”, and in his very next post in that thread said he felt sorry for everyone who was “so far away from nature” that they could no longer feel it inherently… it’s nice to know that you say it isn’t against CoC, yet I’m sure more than enough people see how even a loose read of those statements made runs afoul of at least one section.

I know about ignore is one sided block we are talking beyond that as account wise ignore which is not a single account but can be many and can be used for the wrong purpose.

I… Think you quoted the wrong person. XD

That said, even if a Blue came on and said, ‘this will 100% check out A-okay’, that doesn’t mean things can’t possibly arise. Look at the main game itself, dev-approved patches go through PTR and into live and STILL have bugs, occasionally crippling ones. That doesn’t meant development should stop cold turkey on the game, it’s still entirely reasonable to believe that proposed updates will not damage or otherwise introduce exploits into the code. Otherwise the game would never get past 1.0.

Same thing here on the forums.

What wrong purpose?

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I did, that was meant for Ard, the fox who uses so many words to say almost nothing.

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You mean like how the D4 forums revealed users names?

That was an ingame glitch, I thought.