Can we get account wide ignore?

You read that…as screeching?


We’ve cited specific flaws with current implementation, and how such a change would address them. Heck, even I’ve dropped bullet-points on this that spell it out.

We’ve pointed out that a two-way ignore at account level would create a situation similar to X/Twitter where that would be abusable (prevention of seeing posts and reacting as needed, such as if a report flag is warranted). We’ve pointed out that current-implementation allows for one person to flag down a post by character-switching.

It’s hardly been reciprocated in good faith.

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LOL ‘poison pill,’

:popcorn: :popcorn: more :salt: :tumbler_glass: this is a screen shot time :grin:

Who knows, who cares. It has nothing to do with what people are asking for.

You can’t prove a negative.

All the other places where your made up stories haven’t happened despite having that type of ignore system.

Infinitely more credible than the absolute nothing you’ve provided to back up that what you’re scaremongering about would even be possible/something that is not already available in an easier to do way.


What you’re proposing is the very definition. You’re trying to make the ignore button as taxing and inconvenient to push as possible so no one dares to actually use it.


Hmm thought it did .My mistake. :tumbler_glass:

Pretty sure you liking one person over another doesn’t realistically change someone’s credibility in a circumstance where third party arbitration occurs.

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i dont see how the button becomes physically more difficult for you to push by making it have some teeth; i’m simply proposing that you peolple put you rmoney wihere your mouth is. If you’re going to ignore on a forum, it should be perm and double-ended. You dont need to see what the ignored person is saying anymore b/c you by defintion of ignoring them aren’t supposed to care anymore.

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That’s already a thing.

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You yourself acknowledged the comparison much earlier in this thread, where it was pointed out that this is how X/Twitter behaves. It makes reporting targeted abuse an absolute mess to do in many cases, because you have to view the Tweet to make the report.

I wans’t convinced it was common enough for that to be a reason for it not to be a thing.

There’s nothing bad about wanting it. But it’s being used here to sidestep the actual request by trying to turn it into an impossible task. Ignore is just a minor self moderation tool that people want to so they can have a modicum of control for whatever reason they have without impacting anyone’s experience but their own. It’s not a punishment really, just a lack of attention, and there’s tons of reasons to do it that aren’t about trolling or similar.

Nope, consistently insisting on being treated when presenting wildly unrealistic hypotheticals as inevitabilities with zerro proof though, that tanks credibility rather harshly.

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What you’d propose eliminates the possibility of second chances. What you’d propose eliminates the ignore function as a safety button to cool down from a heated argument with. What you’d propose would allow users to dictate what each other see rather than merely cultivating their own experience.

An ignore doesn’t have to be permanent; few actually ever are. It’s usually a heat-of-the-moment button that gets hit to shut out a toxic or harmful voice. Then after some cooldown, the person can approach with a clearer head and decide if the person they’d ignored was worth listening to again.

What you’re trying to do changes the ignore button into a nuclear button that permanently silences people.

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And I would counter that to take things from one extreme to another - which is what your proposal would do - would just make the forums that much more potentially dangerous towards specific groups of people. Just yesterday at the end of business hours, another thread decided to pop up where the poster was absolutely tearing into a lore element while also using language that clearly abused LGBTQ+ persons. It’s flagged but is still up as of the time of this very reply. If this person had known persons in that minority, or allies, blocked - who’d report it?

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Which is it? A bunch of you (including you) claim ignores dont silence people. Now suddenly it does ? Pick a side and stick with it will you?

I dont agree with ignoring people on forums and I also think they silence people in a way. But I’m not opposed to people who really realy just can’t help themselves from having the option to do it–I think having long term consequences will make people think twice about how logical it is (or isn’t) to silence other people on the forum. This whole flip-flopping thing is hypocritical. That’s all.

In that context ,it is a punishment and can by all means be used against even a minor slip as a control of a whole thread and forum then the whole game in a effect .How does this help being nice?

Current implementation doesn’t. Your proposal would.


I read this rant and just took it as “oh look another triggered straight person who thinks we’re shoving our lifestyles down their throat since we’re popping up in more and more places.” and moved on. Who cares? Maybe I’m just older than you and that kind of stuff doesn’t bother me (/shrug)

Technically everything here is hypothetical as no one here actually works for Blizzard or can offer solid guarantees that it would actually work.