Can we get account wide ignore?

Ah, the always good faith argument of asking someone to prove a negative.


I mean, why do I suddenly have to start throwing out evidence when no else here has to?

You’re making the claim that this is somehow a threat to the forums.


…and the claim is being made that these changes are going to work.

The two aren’t related. We have shown that it would work just fine through examples of other forums as well as how this forum works. You’ve been making claim after claim that this violates privacy, that this endangers discourse on the forums, that this endangers the public nature of this space, none of which you’ve substantiated.

You have yet to prove why an account-wide ignore is somehow bad for the forums.

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That isn’t proof, just hearsay.

You can’t slam me for not having solid evidence when you don’t follow your own belief.

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Jesus wept. Of course you won’t accept anything less than a Blue coming in and going ‘yes this would work’ despite entirely reasonable evidence from other sources showcasing this would, indeed, work.

Well they actually run this place.

And we don’t need their direct word on every matter discussed on the forums. Sometimes you can point at an outside example and reasonable minds would be able to agree on it.

I don’t need a Blue post to explain how an ignore function works, especially on an account-wide level, because we already know how an ignore works on a character-by-character level. In response to this, you’re making a claim that this is somehow exploitable. When pressed on this matter, you can’t offer anything concrete to show any real danger to player privacy. ‘Finding out your alts’ is not an invasion of your privacy, because your personal information is not being shown (and if you put personal information in your character/account names, that’s your fault, not Blizzard’s).

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In this circumstance with the amount of vitriol surrounding it, third party arbitration as Blizzard is situated can bring this discussion to a decisive conclusion.

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So you support it, as long as it includes your poison pill provision. That at least makes sense to me

Because you’re the one making outlandish claims?

Other people are asking for the ignore to work the way it does on the other Blizzard forums, which, so far as I’ve heard, hasn’t lead to any of your ridiculous rabbit holes, not claiming that that will somehow magically make everyone nicer on the forums like you keep claiming they do.


Then what would make everyone nicer in the forum ?

Some of yall have insane patience towards this nonsense lol


Nobody can be forced to be nicer, but users can be forced to follow the rules, and users can ignore other users that get out of line.


That still doesn’t address how these changes won’t be exploited if they are implemented.

If solid evidence is being asked for to back claims, where’s the solid evidence to claim that these proposed changes will work without being exploited?

Because we know how the ignore function works. It doesn’t break the forums on a per-character basis, there’s no reason to think that having it address an account-level basis would somehow break forum functionality.

Now it’s your turn, how would this become ‘exploitable’ on the forums or dangerous to users?


:popcorn: :cup_with_straw: :candy:?

:seat: :seat:

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So your evidence is hearsay…

What exploits? What are you screeching about?

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