Can we get account wide ignore?

Have they actually done anything with it?

But, color me shocked that once more you’re pulling stuff out of the ether and acting like it’s proof.


I have neither confirmed or denied that Community Council is directly effecting the degree of moderation improvements for GD, though I am suggesting that it could be a factor in their decision making process.

Then it l should be your choice to ignore them in turn. No player should have the ability to take that choice from you, or make it for you.

If rather see them add a pop-up along the lines of
“The person you are responding to is currently ignoring you. Are you sure you want to post your response?”
From there, you can make the decision to ignore them or not as you wish.

He is trying to be slick.

As soon as people jump onto this he will, probably via another alt (he’s done that already in his own thread) will come in and attack people for wanting to censor what other people get to see.

It’s quite comical to watch them wiggle, squirm, and temper tantrum in their concerted efforts to fight something they know will keep their antics more in check.


Well that’s why I don’t talk on their forums as I know I got no free speech there, you can only go there if you are willing to play nice.

That is why this forum (and game in general) fails sometimes.

We actually do have a right to change our phone number, but in most cases, I wouldn’t even know I was blocked.

No, as my real self is no the same person as I am on the internet, in real life I keep my mouth shut a lot more and keep my personal/political opinions to myself as much as possible.

Well no, as that would be a police matter, but that’s an extreme example.

People used to do that on the internet ALL the time, it’s how the internet started, they still do it on SC2 after a failed match, being told to go ‘kya’ or ‘go uninstall’ after a failed match has just been part of that gaming culture. It’s no skin off my nose, as they don’t know me in real life, I don’t know them, so it never really had that much effect on me, the great thing about the internet is that in a time of history where people feelings are getting hurt a little too easy for my liking, being online has given me a thick skin.

God, I just had someone I have been pretty close to this year tell me that they hope I die the other day, I know deep down that they didn’t mean it, they were just mad and hurting. It’s not language I’d use these days however.

I do accept though that some things that weren’t socially acceptable to say 15 years ago aren’t as acceptable now. It’s only been very recently that they are starting to be more strict online.

I have actually found that the mods are becoming more impartial in my opinion, I know that’s what is needed is to speak your truth, stick to the arguments and try your best to be respectful about it.

Time will tell whether you are on the right side of history, but I know one thing I’m not comfortable with is how we are judged on things we did five or ten years ago…that’s pretty disappointing. Being anonymous prevents that history from sticking with us.

You are not obligated free speech on ANY game’s forums. Free speech, as described, is only guaranteed by prevention of governmental interference. In all other cases, you are governed by the rules and policies of the location you post in.

Why is freedom of speech always misunderstood in these cases?

Anyway, an elaboration of the FFXIV forums’ (and technically their ingame) approach to speech: They are very defensive of how others are treated in the game and their forums. Things that would sometimes slide for a while here are dealt with more quickly and in a faster escalation, in particular when players are abusing other players. Their policies reflect that and even give some in-context examples of what can constitute a breach. They don’t do this because people are fragile, they do it because it’s what they see as the right way.

When you make a report, you sometimes get the cookie-cutter, but if you’re ingame at the time you’ll sometimes get a follow-up chat for additional clarification and insight. I’ve seen some folks here from Blizzard do this in the past, and most recently Vrakthris even commented on some of this behavior in a CS thread.


So you admit you are a caustic individual.

So, it’s okay to tell people to kill themselves because it happens all the time?


Its easier to just make up your own definitions of things instead of reading what they really are


I agree,gg.

Once again: you do not have the right to change your phone number in a effort to circumvent someone blocking your original number. It’s called harassment. You’re opinion on this is irrelevant.

And online you… well… we’ve all seen the screenshot now of your… opinions.

I’m fairly certain that this “I’m a innocent quiet person IRL” is false. Why? You’ve openly stated that you are in a guild that has a zero tolerance policy for trolling… and you don’t want your antics to get back to your guild. You are literally lying to your guild by being sneaky to violate their policies.

This, once again, speaks volumes about your character… the screenshot just highlights what type of person you are.

And this is why that a Account Wide Ignore system is needed. To block you and the nonsense from all of your alts in 1 simple task. No one should have to wait til you rear your head up from the septic tank to block each alt you decide to circumvent blocks with.

You’re nonsense about freedom of speech does not apply on a Private forum. This is a private forum. Don’t care if you disagree. You are wrong. Period. Full Stop.


The people doing the stuff that account wide ignore addresses don’t want their alts found because that’s how they get away with it.


If I wasn’t too lazy I’d alt-hop just to like this more than once.

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I understand all of that, those are literally just details. I’m saying that if I can’t respond to something you’ve written (and have YOU read it)–why do I even need to see your posts then…THAT’s what I’m after. and the “Orwellian scenario” you’re talking about? I don’t think it would happen quite like that. The point is that ignoring people in a FORUM seems to run counter as to what its purpose is. I can “ignore” anyone on here without needing to press a button. it’s simple, I see their name and I just move to the next post.

Then do that. You don’t need me to force you to ignore me.

I admit to being a bit confused. So… you openly support account wide ignore, but believe the ignore feature is antithetical to the purpose of the forum? If be curious to know how you reconcile those two viewpoints.

Edit - Hate posting from my phone… I rarely catch the autocorrect fails before hitting the Send button


Simple, Ive said that I support account-wide ignore but I want it with additional criteria that several people have had an issue with because they think it’s somehow punishing to themselves and the person being ignored.

what if my troll is just the troll, but my gnome is really sweet? /batschromielikeeyelids

The burden of proof is simply on you to provide how Btags or forum account wide ignore would be exploited.

Yet, every other forum that exists in the internet have an ability the account and yet they are still being used to this day.

Listen, If someone calls my take bad, my first instinct is to hear out why my take is bad. If we want a discussion, I’m all for it. If someone is coming to me being uncivil (i,e being rude, hurling insults, calling me names etc), then my instinct is to ignore because they simply will provide nothing of value to my time if I try to discuss them, sometimes I will report if they are too toxic.

As it is for the suggesting party, that the proposed changes to the forums won’t be exploited.

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Neither is arguing with them so which one is better reading an opinion? or turn them off ?when they get to the point of being insulting, demeaning and snarky. If they weren’t then you have no problems in a discussion.

Beyond that if they by pass ignore ,then if becomes a different problem especially those that wish revenge both on the forums using their alts and taking it to the game. That is a different problem.

You’re making the ignore button a toxic button to push by attaching as many strings to it as possible, instead of letting it be straightforward and efficient.

If I ignore someone, they’re under no obligation to ignore me back or even be made aware that I’ve ignored them.