Can we get account wide ignore?

They’ve also admitted to also have sent messages of self harm to people in the past too, that alone is not something people do forgive.


Wait what

They told others to self harm, or said they were gunna self harm to other people?

Told others to self harm.


Nothing I produce or say would change what factored into Blizzard decision to close those previous threads.

Placing all the fault on me is disingenuous to the larger issues surrounding the activity on these forums, which necessitates the updating of a stronger CoC or more moderation than giving us fruitless tools that will change nothing about this forum environment.

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YIKES, seriously


Thing is even if a person was to ignore you , you would still be able to say what you want as long as it falls within Blizzard’s CoCs for the forum . How ever you only ony entitled to be heard by those people that are willing to do so . You don’t have the right to be heard by those that don’t want to interact with you.

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Yeah that is way beyond unacceptable. Telling someone to “go KYS” was never acceptable; it was not okay 5 years ago it was not okay 20 years ago it sure as heck ain’t okay now.

Chances are that post got buried - possibly even deleted by a mod.

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Every time Ard pretends to care about the forum community


Looks like this topic has just descended into a hit piece than any genuine discussion.

When ever Ard pretends to care about the forum community my male bovine excrement detector pegs


Posting receipts isn’t making a ‘hit piece’, it’s just showing reality. Then again, the thing trolls hate most is accountability.


Pretty sure Blizzard has to draw a line somewhere.

Pretty sure they do, and trust me, it’s not in the troll’s favor here.


They’re pretty impartial since the posters you claim to be bad are still here after all.

Give it time.

However, this is yet more support for account-wide ignores, so toxic filth like this can’t slip past someone’s guard easily.


The ruthless pessimist in me says that the creation of the Community Council is evidence enough that Blizzard has given up reigning in the chaos of GD.

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What does a glorified focus group have to do with anything moderation related?

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I never liked them, but good to know they’re a horrible person as well

Arguably the condensed feedback on the community council will be more considered than anything said here.

Hence less need for their attention to be diverted to GD.

Why shouldn’t you see it? The forum is more than the ‘ignoree’ and the ignored. Just because I don’t want to see your response doesn’t mean that you should be prevented from making it, or that nobody else should be able to read it.

No forum user should have the power to prevent another from posting. That is counter to the purpose of a forum. Imagine a group of posters that share an opinion on a topic, and someone with a dissenting opinion posts. Now imagine that group can all ignore the dissenter and prevent him offering a counterpoint because he can no longer see any of the posts. It’s an almost Orwellian scenario.

If someone ignores you, you aren’t being controlled,; they are controlling what they see, not what you say.