Can we get account wide ignore?

I dont expect you to do anything; I’m saying that if you put me on ignore, I’d rather by default, not see what you have to say either so I don’t have some false belief that you can hear me when you can’t. Blizzard makes that recommendation no doubt to relieve themsevles of having to respond to these kinds of complaints from people.

That’s a you issue and a matter of self control. If I put you on ignore, I won’t give two licks about what you have to say or think.


you giving “two licks” isn’t my self control, that’s yours. I still haven’t heard a convincing argument as to why my idea is a bad one; so I think I’m done here. I support account-wide ignore but people who use ignore in a forum shouldn’t get to take it back later or bait the ignored people into a one-way conversation. Arguments against this are more about control than they are anything else and they smack of hypocrisy because these same people wnat to dip back in and insist on still being able to see what that person has to say (which really means they dont actually want to ignore them, they just want some illusion of control)

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No, it’s you. You can tell if some one truly ignores you as they won’t even respond to anything you have to say.


(/eyeroll) keep telling yourself that, Christy.

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Well, I know you are dishonest and can’t control yourself as you said you was leaving…

Here is the thing though, what is to say this sort of thing will not be abused? If the ignore went 2 way, it is possible for someone to exploit this, to place everyone on ignore, then create a thread containing hate speech or racism, or which ever, and get away with it, because nobody would be able to flag them. Is this what you really want? People able to exploit such things and getting away with such behaviour?

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It’s about punishment. “How dare they ignore me, they’ll have to pay”.


If they are doing that, I have no doubt the mods would deal with it. after all, people in here have said their posts get incorrectly flagged all the time and then get restored.

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Mods will only respond to reported post. if nobody can report it, then nothing will get done.


And quite a few have earned some perma vacations and temp breaks for trolling. That’s why the guy with the fake niceties is on his 4th account. And the contrarian fox has admitted to copping a week break from this thread.


After encountering some rude bads, which is surprisingly rare, I am here to vote for account wide ignore. It would be great to know I am never going to encounter someone on any of their characters on any of my characters ever again.


I don’t think so.


That’s a big oof.

Lilithia - I am not trying to troll you, or argue with you, but I am just trying to give you some friendly advice. Given your recent posting history and how rough it’s been getting …

This cat is ever wise.

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No one is asking nor wanting your personal information. You are making a nonsense argument. The rest is just you deflecting responsibility for your own actions that resulted in your reputation on the forums.

Once again, people are allowed to decide if they want to continue communicating with someone. Just because someone blocks your number doesn’t give you the right to go get a new number to continue in attempts to contact them. This is called harassment.

So you would form a friendship based off of lies. Bad choice.

All you, and the rest of the clown car occupants, are doing is demonstrating why 1 block should block all characters on that account. You, and the rest of the clown car occupants, do not have the right to pester people by circumventing blocks to continue to force engagement on someone who does not wish to engage with you. Period. Full Stop.


If it were a discussion not a debate on an argument but as we see it’s more on debating when trolling is present to the person making a discussion. That person isn’t running for a position and shouldn’t be called a troll.

If a person can’t tell the difference between them then they shouldn’t be in a forum.

Digging heels in? for a long time they have just been digging themselves deeper and that asking for another shovel.

Alright so someone who has sent inappropriate messages to minors should just get a start over button then?

I dunno


Because of everyone else that doesn’t have anyone on ignore. I won’t see what you reply to me, because I have you on ignore. But I don’t get to control what YOU see. I only get to control what I see. Everyone else participating in the thread gets to see your participation based on the entire thread, not just what I decide you can or can’t see. I don’t get to decide to gimp your participation by limiting what you see.

Besides, if I have you on ignore, I don’t care what you say. If you violate the CoC, someone will report you and the mods will make the ruling.


All the post is clear ,just citing one part is really trolling and pocking fun at the poster.
You have the power to restrict their ploy and not react to it which is what they want to a do so right now. One slip and it time out even though your post is meaningful.

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