Can we get account wide ignore?

Really because everything you’ve said in other threads on the topic gets debunked over and over .

Gonna let you in on a little secret .

" Just because you keep repeating the same lie over and over until you actually believe it doesn’t make it the truth"


You do know society is just as toxic, and unforgiving as a online gaming community. Don’t believe me, get off the computer, go outside, and experience society. Even watch the news.

Just because you rather hide behind an internet persona to be toxic doesn’t mean people will want to interact with that version of you.


We shouldn’t have to reblock people we don’t want to interact with over and over .
We should have the ability to block them completely with one shot.

It is not up to others if we continue to interact with them , it is up to us as individuals to decide if we want to interact with the other person or if we want to reintroduce contact with the other person if we have ignored them .

You say you care about your privacy but your actions clearly show that you don’t give an aerial fornication about anyone else’s privacy .


That’s why there are timeframe choices in the ignore window. It doesn’t default to forever.

Yeah but…I haven’t told anyone my real name. But I do admit because issues of internet privacy is such an important topic,

Only in your mind, if Blizzard didn’t accept that at least some of what Mr Admccloud was saying had some validity, he wouldn’t still be able to keep posting.

Not to the extent as the wow community, in FF14, arguments are rare, there was only ever one toxic guild I was in there.

To me the real problem with not just the forum, but the whole wow community is this…

-Lack of accountability, I know you might think this is a joke coming from me, but consider the fact that the support team feels defunded and automated now unlike it was 10 years ago, these days we have automated systems which means you can kick people from automatically made groups and not face any accountability or disciplinary action

-Therefore, fixing the forum won’t change the fact that in-game you can berate and antagonize team mates, let’s be honest, the social contract does nothing only if lots of people report you on an automated system, that’s disappointing, as I don’t like the idea of being judged by a mob of people I don’t know

The point is, you aren’t going to reduce how toxic people wow are on the forum or elsewhere, because unlike games like FF14, the end-game in wow isn’t tailored towards a casual player base, let’s be honest the end-game here is competitive, where you will only succeed if you are the best of the best of the best,

That’s why privacy is extra important to me on a game like this, because I am not just talking about people making up stories about what I did or didn’t say on the forum…

It’s a shame what’s happened to this game, I remember when running some of the old dungeons was pure fun.

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You seriously need to get in touch with reality if you made this comment. Like, seriously need to get in touch with society.


Nothing wrong with society that I know of, the latest generation is less homophobic, less racist, and more friendly than other generations before, the only thing young people seem intolerant of these days is intolerance,

World seems a much better place then when I was growing up

Oh yes, the world sure does. I mean, that is just one example of what happens in society.

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We’ve been able to kick people from groups since they implemented the RDF tool.

This is just silly.

  1. This thread is about functions needed to deal with pests on the forums.
  2. People get reported and if they are found to have been engaging in behavior that they agreed to not engage in they are punished for it. Blizzard has the right to judge you for your actions in game… you gave them permission by agreeing to the social contract.

FF14 also closes the accounts of people that habitually break their rules and troll their forums.

Except… there are receipts for your activities and actions on the forums. You can pretend that you haven’t done things that people know you have done all you want but it doesn’t change the reality that you have engaged in some rather disgusting behavior on the forums and your constant denial and deflection speaks volumes about your character.

Reality got a Do Not Contact order.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

What did you do to reality?

  1. An argument isn’t “bad” just because YOU think it is
  2. You and others on here repeatedly calling anything you don’t agree with “trolling” in a continued effort to oversimplify a word with a very specific defintion is incredibly exhausting.

I dont like the idea of ignoring anyone on a forum because it defeats the purpose of having one.

But if people want to continue to push for it, the ignore options we have now need to be simplified. By default, yes, it should ignore the person’s entire account (I agree with this) but it should be permanent and it should cause the ignored person to not see the ignorer’s posts either. If you want to cut people out of conversations, it should mimic real life more instead of feeding people’s weird psychoses where they SAY they want to ignore people but then keep defending the ability to see what that ignored person says “if they want to” and still expect an ignored person to see content that they then can’t actually respond to in a meaningful way.


Maybe if you read through, you’ll see that the arguments made by people against the idea were bad. I mean, to say, “I don’t want this because then it takes away Sunday threads for one example”, yeah, tell me that isn’t a bad argument.

Because people trolling is completely different to people disagreeing. If you don’t know the difference between those, then you need to pay more attention.

No, it should not. It is my choice on whether to place someone or take people off ignore.

No, it should not. I’m not here to control on what others do, but to have more control on what I see.

I ignore people who actually tend to troll or sockpuppet the forums. Yeah, look at top, the user Doobly, I’ve ignored his trolling across a total of 9 of his toons. Why? Because they’re a prime example of someone sockpuppeting and trolling the forums. Y

You’re defending the trolling and sockpuppeting that is goes on within the forums.


Sorry, but it is trolling. It’s one thing when it’s a handful of posts in a discussion. It’s another when you spend 2 months and 450 posts repeating yourself at people. Not to mention the amount of fresh alts showing up and copy pasting “arguments”.


No, I just think if you’re going to ignore it shoudl be more meaningful than what you’re asking for and what we have. That’s it. Trolling and sockpuppeting are not something I agree with, but I accept that they happen. Have you BEEN to reddit?
And Draac, people on the “agreeing” side are doing the same thing, so are both sides trolling or are we going to say only the disagreers are trolling? See how that works?

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But controlling on what people see and also giving no option to take a person off ignore if they decide to change…

Yeah, sorry, but I’m just asking for the ignores to extend to be BNet account, not by character. Outside that, not asking for anything else to change within the ignore.


Okay let me give you an example. If you ignore me, why SHOULD I see your content? I can’t respond to it. Or rather, I can, but you’d never see it…which is pointless on a forum. So I’m confused as to why the blackout option is so bad for you? I get that you think you’re “controlling” what I see, but I would argue you already started excercising control by cutting me out to begin with? I’m looking @ it from the ignored person’s point of view. I don’t disagree with account-wide ignore, I was suprised it wasn’t like that to begin with.

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Do you watch the news?


It is not by my choice on what you see on the forums. What part of that do you not understand?

If I place you on ignore, than it is my choice to place you on ignore. it is not my job to control on what you see on the forums.


They don’t. They don’t even get out of there own house by the sounds of it too.

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And yet Blizzard recommends people to do that if they don’t want to hear from those players. So you expect me to listen to a tool spouting racist and homophobic rhetoric and have a discussion with it? Uh… Hell No.