Can we get account wide ignore?

Well it wouldn’t be a huge violation for them to simply say ‘hey’ to me on another platform I don’t think? It would be my choice if I respond or not.

If those are my only two options, I’ll have to maintain my ignore sadly…just wish there was a third option.

Maybe? Maybe not? But if you’ve chosen to ignore them, then it’s up to you to tell them you’re willing to listen to them again. State your terms, plainly and fairly, and then they decide if they’re willing to abide by them. You don’t have to be public with it, a private message will do just fine, but you have to re-open communication with them if you’d previously closed it. If they could just contact you anyway regardless of the ignore, then the ignore might as well not exist.

You’re in control of your social circles. If you’re unwilling to let someone in, then don’t tease them or make them dance. Be mature and own the decision. It needn’t be final, but it does need to be yours.

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i think that’s childish and when looking for friendship you should start treating others with some respect


Not really seeking friendship on wow these days have had to start over too many times

I mean, play your way, but if you keep catching ignores, the problem likely isn’t the people ignoring you.

Sometimes you need to taste your words before you spit them out.


For what its worth i have taken on board some of what youve said and some of your advice has been helpful.

Even if on opposing side of the account ignore thing.

I might have a rest got much to think about

Oh yeah! 5000 baby!

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Wow, I only show 4796. That means there are 204 posts from my ignore list.

Daily support on this wonderful Friday!


Mine is showing 6404…

Oh wow! Way more ignored posts than I thought. :exploding_head:

Oh, there is probably like 5500 since I also have a few on ignore.

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There’s a guy with 660 posts on their own. If you have that one on ignore, that’s a big chunk already.


Doobly had like 500-600. Ard probably like 250. The rest like 50 something. lol

Ard has 419. Doobly 669.


And I was being generous. lol XD

Got a bit less than wonderful because I was reminded that free speech absolutism is still very much A Thing™

Alt 0153 on a keyboard for tm symbol.

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You’re awesome.

I didn’t know this works that way but that’s cool, explains why I don’t see the same numbers as everyone else, shame they don’t just vanish completely though since I would prefer the people I ignore never see my posts and vice versa me with them like the other person doesn’t even exist.

Not to mention catching up in this thread the fact the super shady people think it’s okay to bypass ignores is exactly why account wide ignores should exist so that can’t happen at all anymore because no one should be able to continue trolling, harassing, sockpuppeting, etc. someone else if they’ve already annoyed them to the point they ended up thrown on ignore anyway.


This thread has seen some… odd arguments in it.