Can we get account wide ignore?

How would they even know it was you, unless they take the trouble to open the post?

That might only be relevant if you were the ONLY person on their ignore list.

Otherwise it could be anyone else.

This seems like a bit of a stretch.

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Private forum that you have to have a active account in order to post on.

There are people I wouldn’t trust to tell me the sky is blue without fact checking them first due to their history of not being truthful.

Ok and?

Wrong. Would you like me to cite numerous historical examples of bad people voicing their opinions on subjects? Careful, this can be a whole novel very quickly.

I do find it interesting that you are mostly worried that your antics on the forums will get back to your guild that has a zero tolerance policy pertaining to trolling.


then what is the point of the ignore? if you’re not going to even engage with the person, they why should they see what you post either? It’s not like you’ll be able to see their response…?

No, I chalk that up to a staggering lack of self-awareness and intellectual honesty.


You say that, but you haven’t taken any steps to secure your armory data from being shared to third-party websites.

People can go look up your alts on third party sites right now.

If they suspect that a new unknown poster is you, all they need to do is check and compare pets also:

All of those things can happen much more easily, and right now with no changes at all, than some hypothetical scenario where someone has the time on their hands to comb through hundreds of thousands of posts on the forums looking for ones by one of the thousands of other posters out there that might also show up as hidden.

…why DO you run two large guilds on the same server, though?


I have no desire to answer of those questions if i knew how to close down everything I would.

Right now im not in the best of moods

Even if they did turn off the account data, they’d still won’t be able to hide their armory.

Some sites have also exceptions for Classic to have an armory.


Yeah and I hate that.

Its disappointing that the only thing websites like Facebook are getting fined for are being too addictive and not doing enough to respect privacy…

People keep trying to tell me I don’t have a right to talk anonymously to someone, I disagree I have every right to start fresh online and not having any sins of the past hold me back there’s too many unforgiving people in the real world

NO. You do NOT have the inherent right to “start over” and re-interact with anyone who has chosen to isolate from you.


Because if I have someone ignored, and they start to post better things, I can then see whether they’re worth re-engaging and drop the ignore. Which, again, is the point of ignoring someone; it lets you step away from something to collect yourself and reassess further interactions.

This is why a forced two-way block and forced permanence are bad ideas that only trolls would propose.


Everyone has the right to ignore / isolate themselves from a toxic person. If your actions were bad enough for people to put you on ignore, then maybe you need to look inward and fix the problem then move on. If someone wants to “forgive” you, that is up to them, not you.


‘Starting fresh’ involves finding new people to connect to. If you’ve already done damage to a relationship, you don’t get to demand a ‘do-over’, the other side gets a say in it too, and if they say ‘no’, then that’s that.


If you want to start fresh, change your behaviour. I’ve already told you how I’m friends with people where I’d get into arguments over pixels on a computer screen.

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Echoing the others here - I think your right to “start over” pretty much extends to finding other people to play with. You completely are ignoring the emotions of other people and why they feel the way they do, and that is really not good. And why should those other people be “forced” as it were to put up with you when they’ve already said no once? Trust me, that is not a good situation, not for them, not for you.

You have to learn to move on. It’s part of life. I’m sure all of us at some time or another alienated people enough that they’d want to be rid of us. Let them. There’s billions of people in this world, and millions of them play WoW.

Find. Another. Playmate.


You don’t have that right. What you are doing is quite creepy and disturbing. If someone decide to cut contact with you, that’s it. Using deception is not a good look.


I could show you another dozen of your alts if it would cheer you up.

Sure, and the next mess you cause, you will also want a “Do over” and again, and again.

Just accept your nonsense and move forward like an adult.


Starting fresh also implies that an effort towards self-improvement was made. It’s not really a ‘fresh’ start if you’re still the same toxic, terrible person you always were.


Where I come from, you have to earn a second chance. You don’t have a right to it, nor do you get if for free.

Doing the same problematic nonsense that landed you in trouble in the first place while trying to force a re-start you didn’t earn is a way to disqualify yourself from ever being granted one again.


So my question of “right to start fresh”, how far does that go?

Does everyone have this right, or just you?

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