Can we get account wide ignore?

OK, then guess what? The ignore worked as it should. You are in control of when that ignore is dropped. If you feel like someone’s worth trying to reach out to, then let them know. You can’t sit there and wait for them to make contact back, that’s not how it works.

Imagine if that person could just swap alts and keep treating you badly?


Sometime, the bridges are burnt, I dropped people that I knew growing up, I don’t talk to them and never will. I did to one and I told him why and hung up. There is no negotiation.

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That’s what I am counting on with that situation honestly, as if they reach out to me I will be able to explain to them exactly why they earned the block, one of the few people I’ve ever blocked/ignored.

I admit it’s a Catch-22 situation, because yes, I was the one that rejected them, but I would only feel they are worthy of talking to if they tried to reach out to me again somehow.

But I do see your point, that from their point of view, they might assume that by the ignore button I want nothing more to do with them. Only half-true. Only want nothing to do with them if they refuse to change, if they came back to me with a sincere heart and admitted they were in the wrong, then I’d forgive them.

But I fear if I unblock them too soon, and try to approach them, they won’t have any shame/remorse.

See, the motivation on why people ignore is a bit more complex sometimes.

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No, you’re looking for a reason to keep them blocked. You’re looking for justification and support for the block instead of showing a genuine interest in re-connecting.

If you want to talk with this person again, you have to be the one to reach out. If you’re unwilling to do so, then accept that the bridge has burned and move on with your life.


i would not bother this is a person who deletes entire accounts just to try to rewrite history

sigh in this instance, you may be correct about that second paragraph…problem is, if I hadn’t blocked them when I did, I’d have ripped their head off at the time.

What if I was reach out to them and they weren’t at all sorry and showed no remorse though whatsoever? That would just make me mad and bite their head off anyway.

That’s why I hope they try and get in touch again one day somehow, as I would feel they would be more likely to negotiate as the ball would be in my court. Of course that’s a personal issue…I’ll talk it over with other people in my life that I trust.

But honestly, the answer to the question if they came back to me on another alias and they haven’t changed at all, I’d just ditch them again, got better friends now anyway.

I know it might not seem like it, but yeah.

… what’s all this still about “more likely to negotiate”?

Can I ask which thread this is referring to? It sounds interesting.

And whoever that person is you are talking about, that sounds like someone I might get along with. Sometimes it’s wise to delete accounts and start over.

Again, this is the ignore function working as-intended. You were able to take a break from the conversation and disengage and collect yourself. Now you have a question to answer: is this person’s transgress worth forgiving and reconnecting? Do I want to open up again? Or do I leave that chapter closed and move on?

Notice how much power and comfort you have because of the ignore function. It kept you safe and kept you from doing something you might regret. This is what we want; the ability to keep safe from bad actors and heated arguments that get out of control.

If you’re interested in reaching out, you’ve got to be the one to do it. If someone ignores me, I’m not going to continue trying to talk to them, because they’re ignoring me.


Ok, yes, who can ever forget…

And before you go and attempt at deleting the post, I do have a screenshot.

You can not hide from your own behaviour.


Uh… okay there’s only one way to take a comment such as that…

There’s a lot of things that should never be said in public, yet… don’t believe in censorship…? I can’t process this.

Only if they have genuine remorse, yes.

Only if they have genuine remorse.

I’ve kept the chapter closed for now, I am very hesitant to open it again, that’s the hard thing, I admit it might not be healthy but I do secretly hope they will try and work around the block one day as I would feel they cared enough and missed my friendship enough if they did.

That’s the dilemma really.

Would you believe me I had to switch to an alt just to find that post.

Well I stand by that statement, I don’t think censorship is ever a good thing, I believe in freedom of speech, freedom of religion, etc etc.

… one can believe in those things and yet acknowledge where they do need to be reasonably curtailed to respect the rights of others you know?

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Yeah, freedom of speech, doesn’t apply to Blizzard forums
Freedom of relgion, doesn’t apply to Blizzard forums.

And all that doesn’t protect you from freedom of consequences.


In the US at least (where blizzard is located), There isn’t actually a law passed by congress or a section of the Constitution granting us “the right to privacy”. It’s case law (sometimes referred to as “judicial fiction”). A court decided it exists in the 60s, which means the court can just as easily take it away (which with the current Supreme Court is looking increasingly likely)


That’s not healthy. You can’t block someone and then secretly hope they violate the block. That’s extremely unhealthy behavior. You’re basically asking them to violate your agency (avoiding the block), risk their own agency or even freedom (potentially breaking the ToS of whatever service you’ve blocked them on or even provoking legal trouble), and making them basically beg for your friendship back.

Either release the block and talk to them, or maintain your ignore and move on with life as you said you’ve done by forming a new social circle. This ‘game’ is immature and toxic.


That’s true, but the mods have been pretty good recently, willing to listen to both sides of the argument so I’m happy about that.

There are some things that shouldn’t have to be an argument. And honestly, some of the things I’ve seen said on these forums… should never be an argument put forward by anyone. I’m not even talking WoW stuff, I’m talking about basic human decency stuff.