Can we get account wide ignore?

Hello dear warlock your slip is showing. Should have fix that with void tape ,well at least it hold better than nothing you did so far.

I must need better pharmaceuticals, because I can’t translate any of that into a language understood by humans.


Yeah, 2 way ignore would be great, then we could yeet you (and a few others), out of this thread.

I mean they should leave voluntarily since they want a 2 way ignore and it was my thread after all

But clearly a bunch of hypocrites


I’m just pointing out that 2 way ignore would allow people to force others out of threads.

No yea, 2 way ignore would be a terrible feature

I just want them to obey their idea and leave since they shouldn’t be allowed to see my posts in their dream world


I just think it is hypocritical of them to want something that can be abused way worse than the current system. Like, they want to look for ways to continue with abusing the forums without taking any accountability to realize, what they are doing is wrong.

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You need a better WIFI maybe you’ll receive it better since AI was developed.

As a reminder, again:

  • The ability to ignore should pertain to the player, not the character
  • The current flag system incentivizes bad actors to utilize multiple characters for extra post flags

Caps, my proposal was that if someone that was ignored STARTS a thread, the ignored person doesn’t see it anyway; so there’s not really much that would be affected by that. Sure, they’d be missing out on a conversation, but who cares? I finally found ignore in the forums but even then it seemed silly that there were options beyond “permanent.” Why ignore someone for 10 seconds? Why does it even matter then?

The people complaining that it would be bad are the ones who can’t help but unignore people anyway because they dont want to miss the conversation which TO ME, is hypocritical.

I’ve seen some pretty awful replies in many forums by some of the same people, but I’ve yet to ignore them because it’s a FORUM, everyone’s voice matters.

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The lesser options might be for those that feel they need a break from a poster, to cool down or something, but not want the forever option. Those that circumvent ignores in this case are likely the ones too dense to think of things like needing breaks from others.


So now they are attempting to mutate the Account Wide Ignore proposal into something that is comically dumb.
They don’t want the person ignoring them to be able to see their trolling so that it takes people who haven’t ignored them to report their actions to Blizzard.


Maybe we need to start calling them by cartoon or comic names, like Ard is Scrappy, the one that posts on dracs is Nermal…

if you’re ignoring someone you shouldnt want to continue to interact with them later on so it’s a moot point

…c’mon let’s quit doing this. You either shut them down permanently or deal with it since it’s a forum. This whole “i gotta poke my head in so I can say something rude/sarcastic then IMMEDIATELY put them back on ignore” is some childish garbage.


They are getting pretty desperate again. First they didn’t want it. Now they want it to a point that they can abuse it to not catch vacations.

I specifically warned about this, it’s an X/Twitter scenario. That is untenable.

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Just goes to show they only want rules they can abuse/work the system with, which, BTW, is the very thing they accuse us of wanting.


You don’t get to decide what anyone should or shouldn’t want.


I don’t want rules to abuse besides it the forum not the whole wow game .Entities want the whole game on permanent account wide ignore ruled my them not just account wide ignore to use as punishment.

I was welling to go with the flow on this til later on and it dawned on me through searching the forum that will not be good in the long run.