Can we get account wide ignore?

there it is the wwe heel turn lol

No one should you have ignore now,but people get snarky with come backs that are more of a debate for a position than a meaningful discussion.

Well… ya know when the turn heel… it’s time to give them a…

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I’m not dedicing. You people defending the candy-coated ignore are the ones who can’t make up your mind.

It’s almost as if Ard and Khapit had a kid.

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Blizz probably won’t do it but to be honest I would have no problem if some one I put on ignore couldn’ see what i post either.

Should the ybe blocked from posting? Of course not I believe they should be able to interact with anyone that wants to interact with them .

If it ends up being a one way ignore where say I ignore someone I just don’t see them , well I can live with that too.

The number of people in this thread who for some reason think that you ignoring them is somehow “censoring” them or affecting their ability to post is… disturbing.


ANyone who knows me knows I don’t think that .

I have said that only Blizz can do that and that the only people any of us have a right to be heard by are those that are willing to listen to us.

I’m just saying I don’t care if a person I have ignored can or can’t see my posts.

I mean neither does the other side.

Ooh, getting abrasive now. Looks like the scales’re a bit thin in spots…

‘Candy-coated ignore’ is the best you’ve got for what should be a default system? Goodness forbid someone change their minds in the future, or just need a brief break from a discussion, or any other number of valid reasons to toss someone, however temporarily, on the ignore list.

You’re overplaying your hand and revealing exactly what your real intentions are; causing more chaos and damage.


Exactly; ignores should only be given and lifted by the player that enacted them. No need for consent from someone else, or a two-way enforced block, or any other nonsense.

Enact the ignore feature, ignore player. Not character, PLAYER ACCOUNT. So simple. And if you’re upset at the notion of someone ignoring you, you’re free to ignore them back if you please.


If had a wow stalker in both game and in forums and last time I brought this exact issue up. People kept asking what it is I have to hide…… I got so annoyed that I found a way to make my account private and for some reason that also annoyed everyone so I don’t even know what to do from there. I agree with you op

Issues is that with the current ignore, there’s nothing to stop the blocking party from commentating on the poster they’ve ignored.

If you’re suppose to just report or ignore and move on, posters clearly aren’t doing that.

Just because I’ve ignored you doesn’t obligate me to stop talking about you; if you were toxic enough to get me to ignore you, damned right I’m gonna warn others.


Alright so then it becomes a callout.

See how a two way ignore would prevent that?

The ignore is unrelated to the calling-out. You can do both separately, believe it or not.


Yeah I don’t think it works that way.

Uh, yes it does? How do you think it works otherwise?


Ignoring someone doesn’t give you right to defame them just for the sake of it.

Ignoring someone is irrelevant to that, though. If someone’s spouting racism, transphobia, or even just trolling turbo-hard, and I ignore them because I don’t want to read that, that doesn’t stop me from warning other people ‘hey don’t respond to that person because they’re a racist’.

That ain’t defamation, it’s entirely earned at that point.