Can we get account wide ignore?

Except, there is a lot of problems, and cause more issues than the current system itself.

I mean, lets look at this:

A person then could look at placing everyone on the forums on ignore, than creating nasty threads about people or groups of people, and avoid being flagged for that sort of behaviour. Is that what you’re asking for?

Plus, what people such as myself is asking for is improved options on what I want to see. Not control what others see. Just because you rather sockpuppet, doesn’t mean everyone is going join the line.

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i accidently recognise a lot of folks like this just in passing

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Okay a lot to unpack here…

While it’s true that these toons are all owned by Blizzard, but that’s not the point I was making,

The point is if I don’t want people to know a particular toon belongs to the same person who is posting on Lilithia, then that’s my right,

I have been disappointed in not just this place, but even elsewhere in society, people are saying that social media’s bad because it’s a cowards palace where people online can hide behind being anonymous etc,

To me it shouldn’t matter if what you are saying is anonymous, if it’s quite clearly racist, ignorant then the person saying it should still get in trouble, that’s logical and fair enough,

But I stand by the view that when people are anonymous they can speak more freely then what they might otherwise feel comfortable, and this is a bad thing, as I can cite several examples in wow of issues that caused controversy in the community including;

  • Banning flying
  • Need for vanilla wow (got it with classic)
  • Wow Tokens
  • Cross Realm Zones
  • Player Housing/Garrisons
  • Content being too easy/hard
  • Countless guild dramas

These issues will always cause disagreements and controversy in the community, and I can tell you right now if I was to mention either of those issues on a Sunday, people would yell out that I am just trolling to get a reaction from people, but they are actually issues that do generate debate in the community.

Goodness, I even remember one thread a while back where some guy had a crush on this girl to the point where he was getting jealous of other guys talking to her and he wanted advice on how to handle it, I disagree with people saying “this shouldn’t be on the wow forum!” as it was a personal thing between him and another player, so if we at least gave him some guidance on how to handle the situation in a respectful adult way, is that really a bad thing? If that person didn’t have the ability to come on a private alt, the issue could have got back to the other parties involved.

Control over data and control over one’s life is very important in my opinion.

As for the gentleman who told me I like Facebook, that has nothing to do with the wow forum, but if you must know, I actually did pay a heavy price for saying too much on Facebook earlier this year, so am being a lot more careful what I post on there now and what I share with ‘friends’.

It’s very important we take steps to protect our private information online.

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Well, the only way for this to happen, is if Blizzard disables the armory, and makes our characters private, which we all know will never happen.


Clearly, it’s not.


You might prefer that it be your right, but it’s still not, because all of our toons belong to blizz. If they decide anyone should be able to know who’s alts are who’s, they can.

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Luckily Classic Alts seem to be exempt so there’s an option for privacy there if required.

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I see your pov on this the situation is an in game problem and being on an alt can at least on the forum get some advice on handling it.


Before you say that, think again. And I won’t link anything, I’ll let you figure it out yourself.


Oh well if you figured out who my Classic alts are ty for keeping it to yourself.

most everyone knows yet the boogeyman did not come to get you :+1:


The boogeyman doesn’t care about Lilithia, or Ard, or anybody else in here behaving like chicken little. They aren’t important enough for anybody to care about whose alts are theirs. Literally nobody cares enough to try and do any of the things that have been suggested. They’ve just deluded themselves into thinking the opposite.


And yet you haven’t contribute to the discussion .

I mean, all the things they think will happen, has never even happened.


I heard the plan is to plug them into the armory at some point. There was a dev chat and they mentioned it. I’ll see if I can find the link.

Am I the one who thinks it doesn’t matter if alts do get found?

Like my alts don’t hold anything of substance that can be private or anything.


I’ve never cared like cared in my own case since I have said multiple times all of my alts are on my same server and in my same guild, I often think people that try to hide on alts are just super shady people and the ones that really push it over the top about how they should be able to jump from alt to alt without others knowing it just do it to be able to bypass ignores, harass other people, stalk other people, sockpuppet, etc.


I’ll maybe try classic if they do this, it’ll be easier to do a gear inspections instead of inviting and than kicking, because people either lied about gear level or looking to be carried.

I don’t like using add ons for tedious things like that.

What would be a bonus if they gave Classic their own forums instead of sharing with retail because classic characters are often abused to use to troll retail GD.

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I don’t personally care, as I’ll gladly block/ignore and report any evidence of harassing me if it ends up happening ingame. I barely alt on the forums though - only when relevant, and I’ll reference my main too.

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I personally think everything that is going on here is a sympton of a big first world issue. I like how Gen Z is more tolerant of racial and gender minority than any previous generation.

At the same point there seems to be an increased unwillingness to simply agree to disagree. People believe the other side of the argument is wrong and that’s it