Can we get account wide ignore?

You, you monster!

Jk :dracthyr_heart:


Correction: I’m a Monstar!


Really and not even proof of two sided ignore doesn’t convince people or did it :thinking:

Yah but I still want them to never see your posts again and I dont think you should see his either. That way THE REST OF US arne’t subjected to your bickering.
That and if people are going to ignore on a forum, it should actually mean something.

You see I have some on ignore they can do the same and the tow can just talk as a group with out having this tic for tack war. I don’t theirs and they don’t ours but it is public for everyone who wish to see it ,join what side they want. Simple and easy.

A discussion forum is not a debate forum no one is running for office or a position and should be ridiculed, it is just talking about a subject.

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No thank you.
I’ll continue to ask Blizz for an account wide ignore.
Anyone who I ignore is free to use the ignore option on their own.
I want to keep options open.


I love your name btw. You should get a dragon form just for coming up with it.


Once you have say option as account wide ignore you may not have that option to go back, then what? This one you do have it without changing anything so drastic .

We already have the option to take back an ignore.


Then there is no problem with two way ignore then.

You’re dealing with a guy who’s unsubscribed from reality

It’s not gunna go well


There is for me. I would hope if we get an account wide ignore it will be our own choice for ourselves.
I don’t always care if others know I put them on ignore. It’s really none of their business.


I’ve tried to read most posts but probably haven’t done a great job. :smirk_cat:


Sometimes I tell people, especially if they are repeat offenders I know are the same person and it’s like ugh I’m throwing you on ignore again please don’t interact with me further, sadly I know they will eventually because even in this thread the same people have shown multiple times they will jump alt to alt just to bypass ignores.


I have probably told a few also. It’s just not something I generally do. I run across and offensive post/person and not involved with the conversation at all. That one goes on ignore and they’ll probably never know, which is fine.


Oh Hi lead poster ,and you been bias and is unwilling to see all option and opinions to this matter.
Good day.


Sad part is we don’t realy have to use sites like check pvp or need battle tags or anything else to find what alt belongs to who .

They give themselves away . They’re all like “Well if is switch I’m an entirely different person and they won’t know it’s me”

Wrong , as soon as they keep repeating the stuff they said on the previous toon/s they have blown their cover.


Pretty sure blizz owns all our toons, its their info, not ours.


I find I’m not very good at recognizing people posting on alts.

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No wonder I wasn’t able to hide on mine :rofl: Or maybe I just wasn’t even trying.

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