Can we get account wide ignore?

There you go I censored you but not to the public .


Then you didn’t censor me. I can still post, and I can even still reply to you. I think you don’t understand what it means to censor someone.

What you might have done is ignore me. Ignoring isn’t the same thing as censoring.


Daily support for account wide ignores, flags, likes, trust levels, and total post count.

And daily support for Trustlvlfour to be Trust Level Five!


You wanted it I prove it, :grin:


That’s… Not censorship. Ignoring someone isn’t censoring them in the least; you have no control over what they say, you’re just not listening to them. Others still can.


B…b…but then you’ll be able to find all my sockpuppets, what with their post counts all being the same!

:disguised_face: :flushed: :scream:

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Now place me on ignore ,no problem either way. Still the public can see the interactions of either party just not the arguments of both. Ahh peace.


Huh? Is this supposed to be some kind of gotcha or something? This has to be the weirdest ‘I’m not owned, YOU’RE the one who’s owned’ I’ve ever seen.


As you wish.

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we are one day closer to account wide ignore and more!


Feel free to link any recent word from Blizzard.

if so it’s on X or tweeter,I seen nothing.
Oh and , Hello world ,just added another one I know you guys can see me,have a nice day.

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I am not too sure about that, I feel that I am sticking to my guns on my side of the argument, and I know at least Blizzard is willing to listen to my point of view, provided I keep the post respectful and stick to the points.

I just believe personal info is like money, that one should value and protect.

If people know who all your alts are, that’s a threat to your privacy, some guilds won’t appreciate their members having controversial opinions, so forum alts are necessary,

The clowns that break the rules already get penalized.

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And you like Facebook…


Exactly… the mental gymnastics some of them are pulling now is just amazing feats of “do you think to breathe?” levels of intelligence.


Forum blues don’t announce changes, they just do it, they follow orders from above. The people in high places don’t care what people think they just want it done.

Account wide ignore please.

So I don’t have to fill up my ignore list with sockpuppets who bypass my ignore.

Funny how no one complains about account wide ignore being in the other Blizzard forums.

Devs are right, WoW community is toxic.

If people don’t like account wide ignores it’s because they enjoy bypassing ignores.


As they say, “fish rots from the head down”.

Blizzard fostered and encouraged the toxicity that exists within WoW. Even nurtured it. It wouldn’t be as bad as it is if they had felt any differently. And all is now evident with the California lawsuit that laid all their skeletons bare.


I agree with this, and the forum set up says it too. It’s like in couraging the continuation by switching characters to bypass an ignore. Blizzard didn’t really clean up their mess after the lawsuits.

Wanting to clean up harassment in their office, it’s time for them to clean up in the WoW forums too.

I shouldn’t have to contact a mod for harassment when someone use alts to bypassing ignore in the same thread in a discussion. I should be able to take care of it myself.

If they have account wide ignore in al their other forums they should in the WoW forums as well.

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I knew I should’ve not kept those toxic barrels in the Stormwind Orphanage.