Can we get account wide ignore?

You do know this still makes no sense. And considering nearly every country has government agencies to monitors peoples behaviours online. As I said, the only person capable of trashing your reputation on the internet, is yourself.

You specifically said it yourself. Want me to link the exact post of yours here.

Sending messages of self harm was never acceptable by anyone on the internet, and never will.

I’m not going to bother with the rest, because honestly, just replying to you feels pointless. You make no sense, you think certain things that are unacceptable was acceptable years ago when they were never acceptable…

Honestly Lilithia, you have shown people on the forums that you prefer to troll the forums. And this is evident with your behaviour when you’re against certain things that can help with improving the user experience within the WoW community, stuff that is evident not only on other Blizzard own forums, but across all types of forum message boards. Even social media has better security than the WoW forums, and some make sure for you to use your real life details.


Well I worded myself badly, and I didn’t explain the full context of the situation.

But I was encountering it from other people online for years, the only people that do it these days though are cowards as they will immediately block me after sending a KYS message, probably because they know it’s not appropriate anymore.

Irony is, that people still troll other people on Facebook all the time, but Facebook is a bit different, Facebook is like a continent and groups you join are like mini countries.

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YOu only need one report for a poster to be reviewed. If the posts you’ve reported weren’t edited or deleted, that would be a good indicator that the mod didn’t think it rose to the level of needing to be sanctioned (didn’t violate the rules, in other words).

Don’t let that discourage you, though. If you think a post is counter to the code of conduct, report it and move on. Blizzard will make the determination and take appropriate action (even if appropriate action is just canceling your flag).


You can still get them banned if they ignore you lol


Click the profile picture, then the ‘View Activity’ button. In the upper right part of the window, you’ll see two buttons, ‘Normal’ and ‘View Profile’. Clicking the top button reveals a dropdown menu where you can choose to mute or ignore the poster.

If the poster’s profile is hidden, it’s a more convoluted process. You’ll need to open your own profile, go to your Preferences tab, and open the Users interface. From there, you can add posters (charname-servername) and set the duration of the ignore.

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No. I am strongly opposed to the ‘2-sided ignore’ scenario. No one other than a moderator should have the ability to limit a player’s ability to post.

Agreed. If I’m ignoring another poster, I don’t need to be constantly notified that the person I’m ignoring is still posting. If I’m ignoring them, I don’t care that they’re posting.


Is that how it works on your forums?

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You are right Blizz should be the only ones allowed to prevent people from talikng but to be honest let’s say you were to ignore me so you wouldn’t see my posts but it also blocked me from seeing yourds. Still wouldn’t prevent me from posting with others in the same thread.

We’d just see View Hidden Reply and can choose whether or not we want to view a post or not.

Just because I don’t wanna see your response to me doesn’t mean I should be able to prevent anybody else from being able to see what you have to say.

I’m on board with scrapping the ‘Hidden Reply’ placeholder. As I said, if I’ve ignored someone, I don’t want to read their post, so there’s no point letting me know it’s even there. If you get curious about whether the person you’re ignoring is still around, unignore them, and all those posts reappear for you.

If you’re ignoring them, then ignore them. If youdon’t want to ignore them anymore, then unignore them.

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No I’m not talking about preventing others from seein what either of us have to say .

I’m saying we would only not see postsfrom eachother.

They can still do the view hidden if we ever want to see what the other has to say .

I would never ask for a person to be completely silenced and not able to discuss with others just because I have them ignored.

I’m actually not. I do like the idea of having the ability to view a hidden reply, as sometimes, with people I’ll have on ignore, may have something decent to say, or you may agree with them on a topic in another thread. The thing that I dislike is that there is no option to view the ignored post if the person you have ignored is the opening post of such topics.

That is you,but if it implemented it is a rule.

No, there’s no purpose to this. If I ignore someone, whether they choose to ignore me back is up to them.

Also, you cheeky little lad, I just realized you want this mutual ignore because then people that are ignored can spam attempts to ‘un-ignore’ with no recourse. Cute, but yeah, that idea’s dead in the water now.


Except it won’t be implemented. Everyone knows the problem with a 2-way blocking system as seen within Twitter. A 2-way ignore system will cause more problems than the current system, especially in extreme cases of toxicity towards others.

Plus, discourse never added in a system to the forums to design for an ignore to be 2 way, so it will never be added.

PLUS, it is not up to you on what people chose to see.


Sure, if it were implemented. But it won’t be, for exactly the reason I gave — Blizzard won’t ever give players the ability to silence or censor each other. Nor should they.


They already do but I’ll leave that to blizzard to decide if they would I apply it and not some player wishing for absolute control on my views.


I don’t mean to be rude, but I’m having a really hard time understanding you.

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Hold up. So I’m censoring you by ignoring you???


Yep, want me to prove it?


I would absolutely love for you to prove it.