Can we get account wide ignore?

I’ve already seen people accuse Sarth and I of being the same person when we’re clearly not. I’m not religious at all and we’ve not quite agreed on everything.

I also think it’s a bit silly how many times people immediately jump to the conclusion that everyone on here who thinks differently or has a different viewpoint is a sockpuppet of some other account.

While I don’t agree with Ignoring people on forums since that sort of defeats the purpose of them (And I still dont know HOW to actually do that in here…I’ve clicked a few of y’alls profiles and it just goes to your armory page, there is no ignore button that I’ve even found); I can see the merits of being able to do it.

However, I don’t think Blizzard can implement what you people are asking for in the given iteration of the forum structure. Otherwise, I think it would already be in place. I see the merit of allowing people to make posts on different characters (Differing audiences for certain types of posts and even a family who shares an account…etc), but I can also see the value of being able to ignore the entire account.

But I still think there should be some actual choices you would have to make if you choose to do this. The iteration people are asking for is ALSO rife for abuse. (The classic “let me make a post to try and burn this person alive and then immediately put them on ignore so I can have the last word” BS is the first thing I can think of that people would use it for and we’ve already seen people do that with their “…BYE!” posts) - (yet they STILL keep responding later on…LOL)

I’d like to see

  • “Temporarily mute” as an option. The person doing this would not see the posts of the person they are doing this to. The ignoree still sees the Ignorer’s posts but there would be some sort of visual indication to let the ignoree know that a poster may not see any replies…etc. Removing this mute would be required to see the ignoree’s posts; there would be no “view ignored post” option.
  • “Ignore” - By default this would ignore the entire account. The person doing this would never again see the posts of the person they are doing this to AND the person on the receiving end of this would not be able to see the ignorer’s posts either (and the threads the Ignorer starts)
  • Like in OW, all profiles of people are private by default. This would require that they be turned on to be public again. This would prevent people from using account-wide ignore to try and “fish out” an account’s other characters.
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It’s good to at least see some civility return. I’m not going to cite the sock-puppet debate, because that’s a separate thing and I was simply trying to convey my knowledge of what can lead someone to believe it’s a possibility.

The ignore iteration you mention seems to be a parallel of how X/Twitter has it currently. This can be problematic if, at any point, Blizzard implements moderation practices that require specific reasons for flagging to originate from a specific target account. I can see how it’s less abusable right now than on X/Twitter, since review is still done, but it’s something to be possibly concerned about.

A “mute” of any kind should be a situation where the person who performed the mute decides to temporarily lift the mute to view muted posts; this is accomplished by the buttons/links to view hidden posts at this time. Sometimes it may be necessary to view a post to flag it if it’s an abuse of some kind, or to at least review missing context. As for the notification, this is something that most forum or social media users should already be familiar with - not everyone will see because it’s blocked. I’ve seen plenty on X/Twitter on the past ask “Hey, I can’t see it because of block, what’s it say?”

I understand what you mean, but at the same time, if you are TRULY interested in ignoring someone, you also have to “let go” of the need to keep viewing what they say. That’s why I’m so for ignores having restrictions that don’t favor the people doing it…the restrictions should be “fair” to both parties since again, this is a forum, not a chat app.

At least you understand the potential pitfall(s) I outlined. I don’t want to see it become another X.

It would be good to have two sided ignore both sides being blocked until cooler heads are come, but there is a problem ,the list isn’t long enough to hold every single alt toon an account can produce ,since you can have up to 8 accounts on one main that is a lot to click some you even have to use the armory . If we can extend this feature it would be great.

Also a good follow-up, as the current limit - since at the moment it’s all character-based - is rather low.

I don’t understand this. Why do we need a two sided ignore when each person can ignore.

Persons A and B get into a heated argument. Person A puts person B on ignore and Person B can also put Person A on ignore. That would work as a two-way ignore.

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Realistically that’s how it should work anyway or take it a step further where if you ignore someone it ignores them account wide wise where you don’t see any of their posts and vice versa them with yours so that it’s a baked in two way ignore so you don’t ever have to interact with them again unless you want to by unignoring them.


I wasn’t 100% sure that you were Uulomul/Khrog/etc. on a fresh account evading a ban until this post here. Now it’s pretty clear.

It’s pretty stunning that there are people whose need to troll a discussion forum for a video game runs so deep that they’d be willing to spend $50 for a fresh account with a Dragonflight license to make a Dracthyr character to do it.


I think people want the 2 way ignore so the one that does not choose to ignore on their own can’t read/respond to the one who did choose to ignore and then post personal attacks on the one ignoring them. Again, this can tie into the ignore/mute will heads cool down, just so one or the other does not make it worse.

I keep asking this question to Doobly/Uulomul…

Who is willing to sit down and search through this site on hours on end to find your alts after putting you on ignore when there are fast and efficient methods such as Check-PvP that finds your alts in a short amount of time?

Heres my answer, I wont sit through and look every nook and crannie of this site to find your alts, instead I will just use Check-PvP on you and call it a day, all done within seconds.

Hundred of Threads get created every day here, if you posted on an alt on another thread and its latest post is 2+ weeks ago then that thread is in the sea of naturally died off threads.

I have said some hot takes and my reputation isn’t trashed, there is some stuff that I regret saying in my life, yet I have moved on and learned.

Off topic here but here is my hot take relating to WoW classic+, I’m not against Classic+ by any means and I do think it would be cool to explore new content that originally were planned to be in the original vanilla but due to time constraints, that content had to be shelved or scrapped completely, however, I dont think Classic+ is going to be the future and considering this is modern day Blizzard at most their latest new releases are painfully ok or they are not in a great spot right now (i.e Overwatch 2, Diablo 4) and I don’t really have much faith that a Classic+ is going to make things better for WoW at least, I will be surprised if ends up being good but as my take stands as of right now, I have to see the execution of it.

The burden of proof is on you.

I have posted my btag a couple of times in the past btag threads before this and have given the burden of proof to them which is to find my characters for retail, classic era and wrath classic and none of them seem to provide the evidence on how its done.

Also if your using your real name as your btag, I suggest you change it, same would apply to your main alt.


Maybe if you are so afraid/embarrassed about what your real-life friends would think about how you behave on a game forum, maybe you shouldn’t say embarrassing things?

Not like how my Detroit Lions played on Sunday. Now that was embarrassing.



And? Why would knowledge of your alts potentially impact that at all?

This is what they’re trying to do, they’re trying to ‘hurt’ the ignoring individual by making them forcibly blind to the posts of the person they ignored (instead of just being able to click ‘View Ignored Post’) and then force them to ask the person they ignored for permission to un-ignore them. They’re trying to make the ignore button so unpleasant to use that it would never be used even in cases of specific and dedicated trolling.

Bad actors want the buttons to solve them to be as hard to push as possible.

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Well, first of all, people who play the world of warcraft can choose to block third party sites from being able to access their account information and thus link their alts together… so people can choose to not allow check-pvp to identify their alts.

this forum user has stated that they want to be able to view hidden messages of people they ignore.

personally, i think that an account wide ignore should just be a total block between both members. no hidden messages to view, both parties don’t see the messages of the other party.

if it is just a complete total block between both parties, then there really is nothing negative that can occur from having an account wide ignore.

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The best part about this thread is how consistently the people who an account-wide ignore would address demonstrate why it’s such a great idea


Regardless if its on or off, my point still stands that check-pvp is still more time efficient then going through every thread to find an alt of someone you have ignored.

For someone to find alts of someone they have ignored, they would have to look at every thread that exists in this site and that means scrolling through those threads to find an alt of someone you have ignored and in order for alts to be found through this is that someone has to post on an alt, otherwise if it has no post history, it won’t be found unless they post on that alt.

why don’t we just get rid of the hidden messages and make account wide ignores a full block where neither party can see the messages of the other party?


I will be fine with getting rid of hidden messages but to think thats alts will be found through account wide ignores because of hidden messages just lacks some thought on reality.

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Hey, I have no problem if people know who my alts are. I already post from my actual main, I have no problem if people know who my alts are. Because the only person capable of trashing my reputation here on the forums, is myself.

Please explain this one? I mean, who is in my friendship circle. And as I said, I post from my main.

So, why are you against others having more control on what they see? Is it because you want the sockpuppeting to continue? The harassment? The trolling? The hate speech? You’ve already admitted you dump other people like trash when they do become friends with you. You even admitted to sending people messages of self harm. So, why are you against others having more control on what they see. Account wide ignores mean exactly what people are requesting. An ignore to the account of the person we’re ignoring.

This has nothing to do with the thread, or the topic.

Because you do not have the right to be seen by everyone. If people want to place you on ignore, then they have every right too.


Well that’s your choice, I choose to have privacy so internet stuff can’t affect my real life reputation etc.

I don’t know how that rumor started, or what I said that was misconstrued in that manner.

But sometimes in life we do have to put up with people we don’t like or would rather not be working with to get more resources and whatnot. As an aside, the person I was planning on ditching actually got out of my life anyway before giving me the chance to ditch them, so they spared me from making that choice, as I would have felt bad about it.

But now I am ahead in the world, playing 5D chess like that will hopefully no longer be necessary.

There’s a reason I liked the story with Sylvanas last expansion, it was very relatable to me.

Everyone is using people in this world to some degree, let’s be honest, a company isn’t going to employ someone if they don’t feel that person isn’t going to help make them money, they aren’t going to employ you just for being a nice person.

Also I don’t think you can just turn around and say to me, “if you worried about your reputation change your behavior” as the fallacy of that is I could just as easily say, well if people were slightly nicer to me then I wouldn’t feel the need to ditch some people after they have fulfilled their purpose in my life,

For me this isn’t a bad thing, it’s almost a spiritual thing to me, that sometimes people come into our lives for a reason and it’s only necessary for them to be there for a season, it has unfortunately at times been necessary to get ahead in life,

But it’s no different to how people back in the day would join large guilds on wow, poach half a dozen people then bug off to their own guild, nobody ever cared about the discord that such behavior would sow between the two guilds, people’s attitude has always been ‘if someone left their guild to join yours, its because they wanted to and people can do whatever they want’.

Of course, all too often, the reason that the poached people leave is because they get promised consistent raiding and spots, but I’ve often watched in amusement as the guild falls apart anyway. Of course, getting ahead in the game, you going to take people who do the highest HPS and DPS, but that’s going to offend people in a guild that’s given more to the guild even if they aren’t the top player.

I accept there was a time when certain discourse was acceptable on the internet that’s not as acceptable these days.

People still do that all the time online though, especially in competitive games like SC2.

Well I’m not going to let myself be judged for the person I was 10 years ago, you learn between your mid 20s and your late 30s

Well my moral view is that what is said on the forum is not personal at all, it should always be about the topic, and the pros and cons of a particular issue, and things should be kept as impersonal as possible,

I admit often why I switch to different alts, well the motivation is that sometimes it’s the only way for the merit of the argument to speak for itself, as often people will put me on ignore and not listen to the merits of the argument simply because of who is saying it,

I personally don’t understand the hatred directed towards individual people.

Though I must admit, I am starting to have a bit of an epiphany after all my time here…and I’ve seen this not just here, but at people on the news and elsewhere, that often the harder some people get attacked as an individual person, rather than their arguments or ideas, the more people seem to actually pay attention to what that person is actually saying.

Anyway attack the argument or idea…not the person.