Can we get account wide ignore?

Causing tracking issues of the users actions across the Bnet account.

Yes, and the Btag does not even have to be shown, it is just if one toon is connected to a Btag is ignored, all toons on that Btag are ignored. Or there could be an option to “ignore all toons from this Btag” when one goes to ignore.

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Battletags don’t contain any inherently identifiable information of the user behind the screen (as long as you weren’t a dum-dum and put your real name as the BTag). Would it make alt-finding easier? Yes. But account-wide ignores help combat that, too.

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Keep in mind the apparent IQ of some posters before saying things like this :stuck_out_tongue:

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Listen, I can’t Esuna stupid.


No one can, at least not without a metaphorical spiked cluebat/clue-by-four/etc.

You mean out side the forum?

‘View Ignored Posts’ is a good button. It gives the ignoring user the ability to spot-check posts to see if the ignored user is worth engaging without having to completely remove the ignore. If things are cordial enough the ignoring user can remove the ignore. If they’re still being disruptive or incompatible then the ignore stays. Very nice and simple.


I feel like people are really over dramatizing what an ignore is and how it’s used.

It’s not a punishment, if there’s any consequences they’re quite inconsequential, it’s just someone choosing not to read what you write. And there’s so many reasons to do it that do not call for any drastic action.

Have a fight with a friend and need to cool off, maybe just ignore them for a few days so you don’t start it back up.

Going through a rough patch in life, maybe you just need to mute some people who through no fault of their own are reminding you of what’s stressing you.

Someone’s just repeating the same thing over and over in a thread but it’s not determined to be removable by mods, ignore them so you can read the thread without having to keep scrolling through spammy posts.

Ignore is really not for stuff that needs a ban or a silence, it’s there when there’s some lesser issue up that means you want to not read certain things, and much of the time you don’t really want or think the person should be punished.


Why you all keep replying to Doobly is beyond me. It’s quite obvious that’s who it is.


It’s not about preventing people from speaking their opinion it is about indiviuals excercising their right to choose who they interact with.

No one here has a right to be heard by those that choose not to listen for them .

For anyone to think they have the right to have everyone listen to what they have to say is pure arrogance.


There is no sides. It is not a soccer game. And those people would’ve been dealt with for breaching the CoC if they were going into harassment or trolling.

Considering there has been a few individuals in this thread alone who were harassing others, threatening to doxx people, trolling and sockpuppeting. But you don’t seem to be worried about that when you bring up “its your side” when there is no sides!


Mmm, it was good timing, as I was honestly getting to the point where the opposition to my point of view was getting overwhelming to the point where I was beginning to feel I didn’t have enough in the tank to keep going.

That is actually, why I am afraid of account wide ignores, because if someone knows who all your alts are and who your main alt is, by extension they would have access to your friendship circle and whatnot. There are many people who feel that if they get their reputations trashed they must somehow deserve it, well I disagree with that, we are all human and we all make mistakes, the whole point of a public forum is to have people express different view points without fear.

These are the things that I said before, that I’m confident Blizzard didn’t have an issue with me saying, and it’s basically these following points…

1-That generally speaking, in the online world, I have the right to control as much as possible, what information is shared about me. Reputation management, and privacy to me are valid issues, when we have control over our privacy, it reduces the social friction we encounter in life.

It’s easy to say ‘oh if your reputation is getting trashed be a better person’ but I regret to say that it has been my observation that people with differing points of view will often go out of their way to demonize the person or people with an opposing viewpoint

2-WoW to me has become a competitive game. I see things like mythic+, raiding, and so on, especially on harder levels, as situations where people are trying to be the absolute best of the best. For better or worse, wow as the game it is now represents a competitive world. Competition isn’t always a bad thing of course, it can strive us to success, but in my opinion it also has negative consequences including;

  • Stress and pressure
  • Unfairness and fear of failure
  • Dishonesty

In other words, people may lie trying to make someone else look bad.

3-Generally speaking, I would have no issue with account wide ignores, but here is the thing, the fact that many people can’t help themselves but boast about the fact that they put me and whoever else on ignore or whatever, why is it so important for them to do this?

Isn’t the whole point of ignore, to not pay any attention to someone and just forget about them and move on?

Tbh, I have actually come into minor disagreement with some of my actual friends over a similar issue to this, especially when they get harassed by some angry guy over the internet that pesters them for attention but then blocks them when they can’t get what they want, they will often screenshot what the dumb guy said/did, when I am like can’t you just ignore those clowns and move on? Luckily with the friends I am closest to it’s only a minor disagreement.

But it would make it easier to find out who someone’s main alt is, and my main alt is known to people who I know I am irl


none of you do report those who are acutally breaking the tos. i reported several ppl already but as i said i need 2 others for a hit. you guys don’t think it’s rude calling someone names unless your side gets insulted.

i told you this on a btag thread and showed you and none of your reported that guy who was insulting me. so you guys do not care unless we agree with you. it’s acutally sad


Once again, there is no sides. We are all our own individual person, with our own opinions. This is not a soccer match.

Then you don’t know me well, since I am the one who actually flags a lot of post, some of the time, announcing the Forum Code of Conduct.

Because getting people to flag a post to get hidden is against the CoC, as it falls down as harassment. You flag it, but don’t request for others to flag.


…then they wonder why the other topics got closed.

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I see in other threads were having a crazy sockpuppet issue again making troll threads.

We really need account wide ignore.


How do you know its a sockpuppet

It’s always impossible to 100% know if someone is using a character as a sock-puppet account. However, the signs that usually point towards a specific person are:

  • A common number of unique pets
  • Similar posting styles (typos, etc.)
  • Almost completely parallel comments in tone, content, etc.

Others can be a sign that someone may be creating a throwaway or a sock-puppet, such as a character that’s just at the required level to post, but that’s just a caution flag compared to others.


But once again BLizzard doesn’t do the programing for the forums ,Discourse does.

The issue with the Diablo4 Clans UI programming was a Blizzard programming error and not a Discourse programming error.

2 different companies .