Can we get account wide ignore?


Ignores are a punishment that is to be issued and rescinded by the person doing the ignoring at their pleasure. They are a tool for someone to cultivate their forum experience by denying other actors a voice in conversation. If someone is being garbage, you should have every right to ignore them unilaterally and they have no say in when or if it goes away. This leads to a possible path of redemption; if the troll shapes up and stops being a tool, and the ignoring individual sees that they’re being better, they (the ignoring user, and only the ignoring user) may choose to remove the ignore.

It is meant to be a punishment for bad actors that doesn’t have the delay of getting a moderator or staff onto the forum, wait for the review, and then wait for the action. It’s meant to be a button that someone hits when someone else has proven incompatible with their experience. Could that compatibility change later? Sure, but it would be entirely up to the ignoring user to decide.

Some reports are only taken seriously if the target is the one to report. Otherwise, the behavior goes unimpeded (the Twitter way usually).

Not how the forums work, the mods don’t patrol every thread like police. They review flags from the community


i think twitter is fine.

Hmm, I think it is time to extend the request to a different muted system as weel:

New Muted:

  1. account wide
  2. hides are posts/notifications/etc from the muted person
  3. if people wish, they can show the posts to read
  4. it is not 2 way
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Which means the ignored person can talk badly and try to get others to turn against the one ignoring them.

Which then justifies the ability for the ignoring individual to read ignored posts without having to lift the ignore.

And if the ignored person can only be reported with appropriate result by the target, but the target can’t read their posts at all, that is a problem.

why would a person who ignored someone want to be able to see the posts that this ignored person wrote?

Because those posts might be further inflammatory and derogative, and the ignoring user can choose to escalate things to a report if they decide.

Ignoring isn’t the end. It’s one step.

As said, a person may be required to see it if, in order to make a harassment report or similar, the report has to come from the target of said action. If they cannot see it to flag it, then the blocked person can be able to act without appropriate action.

X/Twitter requires this for certain specific flags, and the report often has to originate from the options to report the specific post. If the person is blocked, they cannot see it. If the offender has blocked the target, they also cannot see it. It is an absolute defense to further abuse.

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Which happening here ,I got some on ignore and then un-ignore it to find a surprise ,just how badly they said of others, gg. ignore again.

how would you even know if the person you ignored is saying bad things about you?

so let me get this straight - you want to fully ignore the entire account of a person at once but you also want to be notified if they say bad things about you so you can report them?

how would that even work? is it even a possible function?

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Omg, you did see that.

I hadn’t considered this, Dylania. Interesting take.
Still…does this happen on these forums regularly? Naming and shaming is against CoC and is actionable even outside these forums (legally)…so I’m curious if this would be as rife for abuse as it could be on something like X

It may be, but given that it is rife for abuse on X (and has been abused in the past before the buyout even), I’d rather not see that style of implementation here due to risk of that abuse. I hope that makes at least some sense.

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‘View Ignored Posts’.

As easy as clicking that link. You don’t have to lift the ignore, they don’t get a say in your settings, and you can determine if further action is warranted.

Alright then what justifies a blocker from commenting further about the ignored in a derogatory manner?

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Nothing. That’s flaggable and reportable.


The next question is that if they just go to BattleTag like they do on the other forums, then by default…an ignore is a full-on ignore–do people support that?