Can we get account wide ignore?

what? im saying sure they should be allowed to ignore everyone they want, but also make that a total blackout between the two parties.

then that ignore cannot be removed unless everyone involved consents… seems reasonable to me

If you seriously want change, it has to be fair for everyone.

Not just one side.

There is no good reason not to make the ignore run both ways to shut down all communication.

Twitter/X does this, Discus does it… that’s all I’m aware of… It’s been done. And just b/c somethign hasn’t been done before doesn’t mean it wouldn’t work.

The implementation is: It is only mutual if the block/ignore is made mutual. It is still delimited by the person (or people) placing the block if it is not made mutual.

no what gets the shut downs is the alleged trolls masterfully getting into a discussion without slinging insults. you already had 2 people in the last 10 mins on ‘your side’ doing it. the troll calling someone a tool and the panda psychopath or w/e.

its YOU guys. i been trying to tell u all year my god.


I am punishing the bad offender with the ignore, yes. The person getting ignored doesn’t get to go to Disneyland with me. The person getting ignored doesn’t get to have ice cream while I do. Why? Because I wasn’t the one who earned the ignore. I wasn’t the one who was a bad enough actor to push me to hitting that button.

What you suggest would be hitting the ignoring user as hard as the ignored user to maintain a false parity and force ignoring user into a Morton’s Fork; either they make a permanent decision or they continue to let the bad actor harass and potentially harm them.

Yeah, it just seems weird to be so worried about being ignored, it’s not like it actually does anything to you.


we should just make every ignore be a two-way street. both sides are prevented from seeing any communication from either and it cannot be removed unless both parties agree to its removal


Then you’re talking about pushing into uncharted territory in social media setups.

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What they want is control over your ignore list. This isn’t about parity, it’s about control.

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You’re not being harmed/harrassed by being challenged and I’d argue no one in here has done this. You called me a martyr, you’ve accused me doing weird things on here that I’ve NOT done. I’ve done NONE of this to you.

You should be not afraid of a better ignore feature unless you’re intent is to harm/punish which you’ve already admitted to. Ignores should be permanent and double-sided. That shouldn’t scare anyone unless their intentions with the ignore aren’t as goody-goody as they’re being made to sound.


but you would have what you wanted right? the ability to ignore everyone you choose, why does it bother you if its a total blackout between both parties if you chose to ignore them?

why do you want them to be able to see your posts?

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They shouldn’t.

If they want the conflict to end this is the way to do it. Ignore both ways. Media blackout.

it seems pretty reasonable to me… after sabledraco suggested it, i really thought it was a great idea for the ignore system here.

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You are AGAIN putting words in mouths.

The ability we are asking for, the only one ever asked for in this thread, is the ability to ignore the person and not have to ignore a myriad of characters under said person.

but a two-way ignore blackout between both parties does give you what you want, right? to not see any posts from someone you chose to ignore, yes?

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This is already a thing.
Mute the thread.

The X/Twitter method of two-way blackout is abusable due to it making it next to impossible to flag harassing posts that may be pointed out to the blocker.

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but you have the person on ignore, why would you want to read what they type or allow them to read what you type? why does this even matter to you?

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The mods should be catching that…that behavior is already prohibited on here.