Can we get account wide ignore?

You have that ability now, but I want that feature removed. I want the ignore to be permanent and I want it to be double-sided. I am not interested in features that pander to behavior like what your’e describing. If you dont like what people say on a forum and CANT choose to just not respond or not engage or can’t refrain from personally attacking them in your responses (all behavior you’ve shown you are capable of) …then if I ignore you, I dont want to see your posts everagain and I dont want you seeing mine either… I should have that right.


No, they shouldn’t. They don’t get a say in my forum settings.

You’re trying to give trolls more power through dictating others’ settings.


if the ignored person doesn’t want the ignore removed, then it should stay.

It’s just an ignore. We don’t need to reinvent the wheel to humor people who don’t want to lose their easy harassment tool.


No site does an ignore in the way is being asked for. This is an attempt to counter with such an unpalatable idea that it gets shut down overall.

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Well it makes sense.

Why should either party see each others comments if you want to go with a communication blackout?

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No. You’re trying to punish the user for using their personal settings to cultivate their forum experience and to engage in conversations at their discretion. It’s like saying if you’re in a guild then they should be able to veto your character at creation and you have to make something they both agree on.

You’re trying to make ignore such a tax that it wouldn’t be feasible to use.

so i don’t understand, you want a stronger ignore feature so that you can ignore everyone you want but you also want the ability to interact with the ignored person whenever you choose?

that doesn’t sound right to me.

i agree with sabledraco

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I find it funny personally that people are trying to act like somehow they can dictate if someone ignores them and why or why not they should or shouldn’t be able to, like I said a few ago it’s not hard to be a good person to avoid people ignoring you and if you are one of those people that trolls, harasses, sockpuppets, etc. you pretty much deserve to be ignored by everyone honestly.


Of course you do, you’re either a sockpuppet or a hopeless sycophant.

i just want there to be zero interaction between the two people who are using the ignore feature and one person should definitely not be allowed to remove the ignore unless both parties consent

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and you’re NOT trying to punish them WITH the ignore? you just said earlier that an ignore should teach people a lesson…??? Pick a side, >>>??


Hey, did you read my idea in full or just quote something to try and troll? I stated that ignore should be made into what you and most of us are asking for, while turning muted (which just currently blocks notifications about the muted poster) into the ignore we have now, I.E. if someone wants to leaver interaction open, they can use muted but everything related to the muted poster will appear like ignored posters do today.

Spot on.

If the ignore is that strong then it should run both ways.

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You’re putting words in the mouths of everyone who has cited valid reasons for being able to ignore an account. You’re countering with an implementation that NO ONE HAS USED. EVER. IN ANY SOCIAL MEDIA SETUP.

“If you can’t win, poison.” Seems to be the route we’re going here.

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yeah just have the ignore be a full blackout between both parties and the removal of the ignore should require the consent of both parties

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Sorry,this has gone beyond the wheel it gone hyper -space throttle mode.

It’s gone plaid.

No. If I am ignoring someone, they don’t get to choose when I stop ignoring them. They might walk away, they might have other conversations, they might talk about me behind my back, but it’s my choice whether I hear any of that.

If they’re so offended by my ignoring them, they’re welcome to ignore me back. Something tells me the attention-desperate troll wouldn’t dare hit that button though for fear of losing their playtoy.

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Everyone needs to stop feeding the trolls.

They are purposely trying to do this to get the thread shut down. We do not want the thread shut down, we want to have our place to discuss on account wide ignores, as the thread is titled as. If people want to troll the thread, just report them, and place them on ignore.

You feeding them is getting them a step closer to what they want.