Can we get account wide ignore?

Nah people have redemption arcs

I didn’t like gutshredda for a while, but now I think he’s a pretty alright fella

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no, you shouldnt be able to remove someone from your ignore list unless they consent to be removed.

No. Site. Operates. This. Way.

So now I don’t even get to control my own ignore list? Lookie here, the mask is slipping. Look at this troll wanting more unearned power over someone else.


And this is where you seriously need to think about your actions.

Spamming or Trolling

This category includes:

  • Excessively communicating the same phrase, similar phrases, or pure gibberish
  • Creating threads for the sole purpose of causing unrest on the forums
  • Causing disturbances in forum threads, such as picking fights, making off topic posts that ruin the thread, insulting other posters
  • Making non-constructive posts
  • Abusing the Reported Post feature by sending false alarms or nonsensical messages
  • Numbering a thread, IBTL, TLDR, or any other fad statements

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:

  • Be given a temporary or permanent ban from the forums, depending upon severity

You do not get to decide on what others do or chose to do. Bye.


if you ignore someone, why would you want to talk to them, right?

put a total blackout between the two posters if you ignore someone… then that ignore cannot be removed unless both parties consent

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Again, I’m suggesting that the ignored person work to be better, but it’s entirely within the power of the ignoring person to decide if they’ve earned their way back into the conversation or not. The ignored can do whatever they like, continue to be toxic, obsess over the ignore, whatever, but their self-correction shouldn’t be the responsibility of the ignoring user.

Why? I gave you the same opportunity.

Scroll up to the quotes in the above posts. reason.

So you respect racists, bigots and child abusers?

This :100: :100: :100: it’s still weird to me how some people don’t get the point to just be good person and you won’t have that problem because most people don’t and won’t just ignore you just because.


And I don’t get to control my experience why, again?

first you say you need stronger ignore features in order to enjoy the forums better, now you say you want weaker ignore features so you can choose to interact with the person you ignored whenever you feel like it?

why even have an ignore list then?


Ling, ignore and report. They are trolling, replying to them isn’t going to help.

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Are people really that up in arms about being ignored? I mean, yeah, not everyone is gonna like you and want to deal with you. That’s their problem, I’ve been ignored before, and it’s not really any sort of punishment or thing that harms my forum experience. It’s just someone who doesn’t want to talk to me, big whoop.


There is always this option, turn muted into the ignore we have now, which means those you mute have their messeges displayed with the “show “ignored” content” and then turn the ignore into what we are asking for.

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no, an ignore should be a total blackout between both parties.

you place someone on ignore, then they can’t see your messages either…

if you want to remove the ignore to be able to interact with them again, that should not be allowed unless the other party consents.

How disingenuous. What you’re asking for isn’t a ‘stronger ignore’, it’s a nuclear button that everyone would be terrified of pressing and would actually take agency away from people that use it since they would now have to seek consent from someone else to change their personal settings.

You’re attaching fetters to the ignore function to make it less convenient to use, to stop people from using it in the first place.

If I ignore someone, it is entirely my choice whether I remove that ignore or not. You lost the privilege to be in this conversation by being garbage. I will decide when, and if, you’ve earned that privilege back.

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i disagree, the person who was ignored should be allowed to say “no, i dont want the ignore removed.”

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With all do respect, they shouldn’t see yours either if you ignore them until coolers minds work it out. :dracthyr_shrug:

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And earlier, you were saying people should respect others opinions…

Yeah, wanting to dictate others is not worth any respect.