Can we get account wide ignore?

No, the best thing for the ignored user is to work to keep others from ignoring them and hope the ignoring user sees that. In other words, accept the loss and let the ignoring user be, because if they are only “good” to try and get back into the conversation with the ignoring user, once they manage that, what is to keep them from being “good”? no, the desire to be good has to come from someplace else so it stays no matter what happens.

You are missing the point; the ignoring user may choose to interact with the ignored if they want. It’s meant to be a control lever for the ignoring user’s experience.

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We’re both talking at the same course.

No, I am not missing your point; i just dont agree with it. I want ignores to have consequenes (like being permanent and being complete insetad of one-sided and “takesie-backsie”) for exactly the reasons you demonstrated earlier.

why would that need to be a feature… the reason you ignored someone is because you dont want to talk to them, why should you be able to simply interact with them whenever you want?

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Ignores does have concequences. It is called don’t be a bad person, then people won’t place you on ignore.


No, you want ignores to be as fettered with as many stupid consequences as possible to scare users off from using a perfectly valid function. You essentially want to turn a completely normal feature into a nuclear button so no one uses it so you can continue to be utter garbage.

You’re against user control over their own experience, and you want to hold the entire forums hostage because you feel the threat of your precious loopholes closing.


Oh so you brough that over here ,nice going,off subject.

I cannot think of a single site making an ignore permanent (that is, without a method to undo or end the ignore).

I can only think of X/Twitter making an ignore two-way, which is abusable as mentioned earlier - if you go after someone, you can use it to do so without said person seeing.

You are.

And I can’t unignore you to give you a second chance to be not a tool? But alas… you are continuing to be a tool, intentionally trying to derail the thread and get it locked… all because you won’t be able to pull your antics anymore if the proposed system was implemented.

You demonstrated in this thread and your other thread you don’t want honest discussions. Nice try thou.

People wanting to limit the amount of harassment and nonsense they are subjected to isn’t about controlling the forums. You are demonstrating some serious intellectual dishonesty at this point. But what should we expect from a person that boosts themselves via sockpuppets and has a temper tantrum about it when called out for doing so.


why should you be able to remove the ignore at your own will?

you chose to ignore the person, so you accepted the consequence of not being able to interact with that person.


Because it’s my right to decide what I hear; if I give you a second chance and peek being the ‘View Ignored Post’ button, that’s my perogative. You don’t get a say in it.

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This is talking about extending an ignore well past any site that has an ignore mechanism.

no, if you ignore someone… they shouldn’t be able to see your posts either and the ignore cannot be removed unless both parties agree to it.

IE: if you want to remove the ignore, the person you ignored gets a message saying “Lingxiu wants to remove the ignore, do you accept that?” and they can say no, keeping conversation between you two closed


No. You’re limiting my experience all because I used a button to stop me from hearing your toxicity. You are 100% in the wrong here. If I ignore someone, it shouldn’t be a two-way street; I get to choose when I stop ignoring someone, they don’t get to try and hold the sword over my head for no reason.

Since when is it your job to dictate on what people see or do? If people place someone on ignore, they should have every right too. If someone wants to remove you off ignore because you chose to change your ways to being a better person, they should have the right to do so.

It is not your job to decide on what others do here on the forums!


you chose to ignore someone, so you should accept the consequences of that.

you shouldn’t get to start conversations with people you ignore whenever you choose.

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lol this is a fun excuse. i think ppl just wanna argue. why you need a second chance? a second chance to snap at someone bc you just did it for no reason…

keep ppl ignored you don’t like and don’t reply to them?

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Thing is, you are coming across as if the ignored person can get away with pandering to the ignoring person, or should try to force the ignoring person to interact with them… I am stating that they would be better off accepting the loss and get better while leaving it in the hands of the ignoring poster.

Most of us want the ignore to be a total black out, as the ones we ignore we want nothing to do with, some of them may not be “bad” per se, as much as we just see irreconcilable differences that, for one reason or another, we can’t ignore.

I chose to ignore you because you’re spouting garbage. If you seem to be doing better later, I have the right to ‘View Ignored Posts’ and see if you’re worth talking to again.

What you’re trying to do is turn the ignore button into a nuclear button.