Can we get account wide ignore?

Well if you have discord…and know enough people.

So, your argument is that multiple people agreeing that something is against the rules and flagging it, is the same as 1 person flagging it 5 times?


So you agree that this would solve the problem of one person being able to flag a post enough w/one account to hide it on their own. Glad to hear it.

Just sneaking again to quickly say…

I’m against censorship of any kind and in favor of free speech (with some limitations of course).

That is all.

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I’m saying that with enough people it doesn’t matter if they agree whether is something is against the rules or not.

A poster with a beef could still effectively mass flag individual posters with just numbers alone.

In that hypothetical case (which I’m not convinced is realistically ever going to happen), would it not be better to limit the thing by group size, instead of letting 1 person do it an infinite number of times alone with only 1 sub?

Well, since in the current discussion, the side closest to censorship and suppresion of speech would be the one that makes it easier for people to hide posts that they don’t agree with. And not the side that just wants an opt out from dealing with people they don’t wish to associate with.

Not without multiple completely separated accounts, with sepate subscription fees and game purchases.

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So you want to limit free speech?

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Ignoring someone has nothing to do with censorship or free speech. This is a gaming forum. Not politics or media.


Remember that Lilithia seems to define “censorship” as “not looking at every single post I make directed at you”


People ignoring you irl or online is not infringing on your freedom of speech. You’re still free to talk at people and post online even if no one is listening and everyone has you ignored.

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I don’t think you could add any tool on here that will stop players from holding grudges against each other when factors like RNG governs the fun factor of Retail.

Free Speech has nothing to do with an account ignore in a video game what in the bloody heck you on about?


I mean, and you can’t add anything to the forum that will make people agree on what’s the best loot system. But both those things have absolutely nothing to do with why forums have ignores.

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So what? why does it matter if someone holds a nebulous “grudge” (whatever that means) when they can’t actually do anything?


Oh, Ard just up to his usual nonsense again. His feelings must really get hurt when people ignore his trolling.

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Believe me, people who have a grudge that you make the stupid decision of allowing to get too close to you, can cause a LOT of damage…I’ve learned that the hard way…

Especially if they come from competitive games like this.

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At this point, I’m not convinced ard is trolling.

I think he is genuinely this miserable, and isn’t presenting as dumber than he actually is.

I’d wager that a good chunk of player conflict arises from loot distribution or drops.

RNG indirectly creates conflict by only rewarding players inconsistently in groups, generating the toxicity we know today.

And has absolutely NOTHING to do with what we’re talking about here.