Can we get account wide ignore?

The current system also allows people to use multiple alts to flag the same post and get it hidden.

best solution to that is to enforce tying everything to a single account identifier, not this current infinite identity BS we currently have.


They already have access to that kind of information.

We don’t and it should remain that way, elsewise behavior such as witch-hunts be encouraged.

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Yet we’re pointing out that - as I’ve even mentioned in an outline post earlier in this very thread - flag abuse is possible at the moment. Even if it gets reversed, using flags to silence a post by flagging using multiple characters on the same account still causes harm while the post is flagged and hidden.

It is past time to close that hole.


As opposed to things like alt-flagging posts that’s currently enabled.

And frankly, unified account would be convenient as trust levels and other account bonuses would be universal for all accounts, so no more stuff like losing your status when you buy a character transfer or change.


Aren’t you big on the “if it can be exploited, it will be rampantly exploited to the determent of other players”?

I don’t know why you are arguing against making this particular exploit completely impossible.


What you’re suggesting doesn’t address the behavior.

You’re just changing the environment, which won’t fix anything.

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As the behavior in question was people being able to hide posts with flags all on their lonesomes. Yes, single forum ID would in fact immediately destroy that particular bad behavior.

Also, unlike the bogeymen you keep making up, this behavior that is currently happening on these forums, and which you seem intent on defending to the death. That is much more of a way for a small group of people to try and create an echo chamber, harass people they disagree with, and other ways of trying to drive people away.

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I’m not convinced.

Other ways will be found around it.

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The behavior I was talking about in the post you responded to is using multiple alts to flag the same post multiple times.

The enforced single account identifier solution I was proposing makes that behavior IMPOSSIBLE


Please, tell me when you are able to flag a post only once per account that you can mass flag a post all on your own with one account? ( account here used to refer to the level of account that characters are linked at, as you can have multiple wow licensees under one account)

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Yeah. Justify how a singular individual would be able to mass-flag posts or mass-stalk an individual if infractions, ignores, and reports were linked to the account instead of the character. You’re the one so paranoid about security, let’s hear it.

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If you’re spewing garbage, you shouldn’t have a platform to spew from.

Society is not obligated to listen to people that don’t have its best interests in mind. Everyone should be able to speak, but not everyone should have to listen.


What do you believe is the purpose of these forums?
What ‘complex issues’ do you think will be created? Be specific.
How will those ‘complex issues’ undermine the purpose of these forums? Again, please be specific.


And getting out of bed creates the possibility that you’ll be hit by a bus, but you still get up, don’t you?

And, again ,the glitch didn’t expose the names of ‘all users’, only your own.


but don’t you see, a bug in a completely separate game requiring people to have realid active and never having happened on any blizzard forum will TOTALLY happen here. Unlike the non-problem of the thing that we see happen over and over on this forum.


Gah, curses, you’re right. Things Can Never Improve™. We had our chance but a little mistake in unrelated code for a totally different purpose by an entirely separate team probably in a completely different building if not a wholly different state means the mistake’s just doomed to repeat. Nothing to be done. What a shame.


In theory the bus could hit you in your bed.
Granted the probability of that happening depends on a huge array of factors.

The most comical thing in Arfmcclown’s whole ignorant stance is… that he thinks the D4 bug was on the forums. It wasn’t. It was in the in-game UI for clans. He’s literally spewing nonsense about something he has zero understanding of in a attempt to derail and fearmonger. He’s so scared that he won’t be able to continue to harass and derail threads by his usual tactic of fighting and arguing that he is now resorting to flat out lying about a situation just to attempt to spiral the thread into the ground.


Now that’s direct service


From the windows…
Because the snow did not thaw
911 is who they call…

skrrrrt skrrrt my man!


If it had happened as you imagine, then they would be legally obligated by state, federal and international privacy and data-protection laws to notify effected users immediately of the breach.

But it didn’t, so they don’t.