Can we get account wide ignore?

Pyro, maybe people are losing patience.
You’ve been here for some time, it’s hard to believe that you’re not already familiar with Real ID and what a Battle tag is.


I know that much, so they are separate? there is no connection between them at all?

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They are connected as in they are part of the same account. But if someone knows your realID, they won’t know your Btag, and vice versa. It’s like your btag is connected to your credit card, but people who know your btag don’t know your credit card… Unless you tell them.

Also, when I block someone in game, I just see their btag if I block a btag. I don’t see their realID.

But if there is a glitch there will be. I’ll wait til blizzard says something or find someone with more knowledge on this .tky.

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My guy, there could be a glitch/leak at any point right now, and blizzard could have all of our realID’s, btags, credit card, mailing addresses, and such leaked. If you’re that worried about it, you might want to stop playing and cancel everything.


This is just an attempt to make concern go away…doesn’t work that way.


Worry about it all you want, but if you’re worried about realID’s getting leaked from the forums… Yeah you might want to worry about other things.

Either way, I support btags on the forums. You trying to find reasons why it wouldn’t be good just keeps making me all the more convinced we need it.


That’s not detailing any intricacies, it’s hand waving that three unrelated issues are somehow connected.

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I mean…people can’t have worries about forum security concerns without worrying about literally everything else going wrong?

Quiet a leap in extremities just to hush one specific point of concern.


Naw, but you are angry that I responded though. Don’t like being corrected huh?

You’ve been arguing in this topic for two months now. There is no “concern”, just you are doing what you love to do best. Troll and get topics deleted.


Threads also a good example to disprove their witch hunt/echo chamber/silence people nonsense

Since how many times have the 2 repeat offenders been called trolls/alts/told to ignore and yet people constantly respond to them anyway

Account wide ignores won’t hurt your trolling at all, so have no fear


Yes but doesn’t mean it shows you their ID. You can also ignore their btag which is not real ID

All I see is one side not wanting the other to participate.

I don’t think its necessary or wise to make changes based off that alone.


Heh, better to just turn off the internet by that logic. Security breaches like that are going to happen no matter how good your cyber security is.

A forward facing service like this isn’t even the most likely way for your data to be leaked. (plus blizzard probably doesn’t keep anything of value on that level that you don’t or haven’t already given away.)


The other side can participate all they want.

Most of the time they keep bringing up the same rehashed talking points that has been discussed to death or debunked a couple of posts ago.


Everyone else here wondering what is Ard so afraid of that he’s been silenced in this thread atleast 3 times and still keep coming back?


I feel it’s pretty rich when most of the time the solutions that side comes up with are ways to make it easier for people to get punished on the forums when all people are asking for is a way to not see someone without that person being actioned by the mods

Honestly? Because there are no two sides to this. It’s account wide ignores. Something people have been wanting for years.

I would love to have the ability to hit one button Ard and have you and all 50 of your alts get wiped off the face of my screen.

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History has shown slippery slopes do often happen as there’s always one person out there with cruel intent somewhere

No, that’s not a call for a stranger to make I wouldn’t go gossiping about someone to their friends over something silly they said on what was meant to be an anonymous forum.

Problem is in my brain words like ‘troll’ and even the word ‘harass’ as well as ‘misinformation’ have become so broad that they have no meaning, in my world if someone badmouths me to one of my friends in a respectable guild that’s harassing me, as quoted earlier this post, this person believes that if they feel my reputation should take a hit or whatever well I disagree with that I wouldn’t badmouth you to your friends.

This particular quote was in reference to my comment that people have been saying ‘one line’ things about how bad they think the game is for years, are you really saying the only people that should be on the forum are the people who love the game and have nothing but good things to say about the game?

If people didn’t whinge about how awesome BC/Wrath was for so many years we might not have got classic.

I actually never heard about this until this year…it certainly wasn’t a weekly/daily forum topic.

Why do people believe that there side of the argument is only the correct moral one, and there’s no two sides to it, people have admitted already that they think someone deserves to have their reputation trashed or whatnot, to me I will always side with privacy,

That said if the pro-taggers side ever win and get what they want in their entirety I’ll probably just quit the forum

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