Can we get account wide ignore?

Wow,not a bad thing :eyes:

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Which falls under Blizzard.

Who manages said team and others…

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Blizzard management does not micromanage code. That is absolutely not how a team works.

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It doesn’t matter the team is still apart of Blizzard whose responsible for the quality of delivery, which in the D4 forums case was revealed to be poor when names got exposed.

I’m not keen to see the same happen here.

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Does it matter? Both teams are run by completely different people. This is fearmongering/Goal Post shifting.

Again, problems with code fall to the coding team that made them. Blizzard Marketing is in no way responsible for coding problems, even though they’re under the same umbrella. Are you high or something?

Sure does.

One slip up there could easily be a slip up on here.



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Cause for concern.

Just need some assurances from Blizzard if they ever make any changes.

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This came to mind because legit the thread is far more civil when the annoyances are ignored and not interacted with at all honestly.


Not really? By your logic, never go outside or buy something again. One small slip up and someone steal everything from you and you’re living in a box in an alleyway! :open_mouth:

Ard and Co are part of the Forums axis of evil? Good to know!

I wouldn’t personally go that far but it is still a valid concern if they should ever properly consider changing ignore limitations on here.

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No, it isn’t, because they’re not even the same function.

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Ignore them . Blizz uses a 3rd party forum program. Blizz just moderates. The other company (Discorse) does the programming for the forums.

Well you can detail the intricacies of the forum code then.

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I’m not a coder, but even I know the difference between something intentionally displaying information and something that works in the background. The ignore function wouldn’t broadcast any information, it’s not intended to. So there’s even less risk of information leaks.

Different coding team, different end-user function, different systems. The literal only thing linking them is the Blizzard name, and even that’s in dispute.

Can you detail the intricacies of how a bug in a game’s social system has any interaction with the forum software?

Well players communicate across both services so they can identify posters (in the event that their information is exposed) and then…well we remembered what happened when Blizzard tried RealID on these forums.

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