Can we get account wide ignore?

That shouldn’t have occurred in the first place.

What do real names showing up in Clans (a game feature done by Blizz employees) have to do with the forums that are programmed by a 3rd party company (Discourse).

Blizz only moderates the forums , they don’t do the programming.

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Sounds like you need to learn to use google. I just google it and guess what the 1st line came up :wink:


And did they correct it ,it was four days ago and no word.


Bugs are commonplace in any level of coding. Mistakes exist in every discipline, and sometimes they make it into the final product.

Sometimes you don’t see a bug until it makes itself visible in the most embarassing manner. Remember, you don’t know what you don’t know.



Pretty sure Blizzard owns it so they hold some responsibility for it.

IT WAS A BUG that shows you and only you your own name that’s all lol


It doesn’t matter at this point.

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Oh please close the thread ,yes,the big letters are hurting my eyes.

So it was only an issue for people that have Real id enabled and not a Btag issue .

two totally different things.


Wasn’t it a bug that affected the ingame clan UI and NOT the D4 forums?


Don’t like it here or the topic you can always leave


You must be a great debugger, since you know everything about Discourse and Blizzard’s code base.

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Again, the Diablo Team screwed the pooch here. Not the Forums Team. Not anyone else.

The problem rests solely on the Diablo Team. There is no reason to think the same thing would happen to the Forums because they are different teams.

You would like that sure.

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Yup, It wouldn’t be a bad thing.

You all know you’re all are just feeding the trolling by the same group of people who purposely just try and get any thread they disagree with shut down. People need to ignore them, or not reply to them.


I honestly don’t give a rotund rodents rectum if you do or not .

But you keep on spouting the same thing when it has been shown it was a Diablo dev issue becaue it was in game and not a forum issue because Blizzard doesn’t do the programming for the forums. Discourse does the programming Blizz just moderates and suggests to Dicourse what changes they would like.

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So you do then? Enlighten us.

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