Can we get account wide ignore?

diablo and wow are not unrelated though.

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Lingxiu, you not going to get it through to them. They are trolling, and they know it, they are just looking for more bites.


You’re fighting with someone who disagrees with reality

It’s not gunna go the way you want it to


How so? Enlighten us…

I’d also add that they’re probably specifically trying to get bites that they can report and maybe get someone punished for.

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Their teams are.

Let’s say you and I live under the same household. Then you do something unbelievably stupid that draws heat on you. Am I responsible for your actions?

Keep doomsaying and trying to shut down the discussion please.

This is why I got them on ignore. I just want to keep the troll bait bites locked up, instead of feeding the trolling.

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Guilty by Association. :grin:

yeah, that would be a correct example.

They are doing the same stunt they have done all thread and in the previous threads dealing with btags.
They attempted it in the thread about improving the ingame ignore system.

At this point just ignore them, block them, and report them.

And an incorrect one.

Fine. Is all humanity responsible for the deeds of the others? We’re all linked, after all.

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And it’s completely wrong. Back to ignore, Chuckles.

Spot on.

No changes until we get some assurances.


Because they think ignore would create an echo chamber, silence people and will kill the forums, debunked that every forum that exists has this feature and still contiues to be used to this day.


Yeah they keep echo chambering myths and lies.
It’s all they have.

None of them have acknowledged that others in their little troll cult have:

  1. Used alts to circumvent blocks
  2. Have used separate accounts to circumvent blocks and vacations.
  3. Have used alts to like their own posts and give psuedosupport to their own posts in this thread and others.

The forums are made by Discourse not Blizzard. Blizzard just moderates the forums they use. So no actual Blizzard employee works on the programming for the forums.

They just ask Discourse if certain things can be added or removed and if Discourse says yes or no then they go from there.

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I’d think that real names being revealed on the D4 forums is cause to pause and consider if any changes are necessary or even safe to do.

More like they would be ignored by most of the forums and they know it. Being the troublemakers, most of them are.

Good Lord, you people will latch on to anything…