Can we get account wide ignore?

the issue is that you state they “probably looked at it internally.” I would just feel a lot more comfortable if blizzard were to clear that up and release a statement explaining what happened.

It’s being used as an end-run around account-wide ignoring by going ‘BUT BLIZZARD CAN’T BE TRUSTED WITH ACCOUNT LEVEL INFO’

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And even if they did, it would be the Diablo Team with their renewed code focus, not the WoW forums.

Actually both forums were developed by the same company and adjusted to be by characters for WoW.

Actrually all the Blizzard forums use the same Moderators.

And that would be true because the Clans is an in game thing and not even a Diablo Forum thing.

yeah, they are basically the same thing…

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Clans is not a forum thing. So the Forum team has nothing to do with it. This is, as I’ve said several times now, a Diablo Team failure.

What the Diablo Team says would have zero bearing on what the Forums Team would be doing.

Then wait over in the diablo forum. Since that’s the game where it happened. lmao

in my opinion, i think it would be best to wait and be safe rather than sorry as pyromor suggested.


Don’t need to I read it already.

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For how long? Until when? And even if they say ‘oh we learned’ that doesn’t guarantee the update would be bug-free. It might happen again.

Freezing all development because of small glitches like that is phenomenally dumb. Especially when your team wasn’t responsible for the glitch in an entirely different system.

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but diablo and wow are owned by the same company and they hold the same private information of ours.

if blizzard at least gave a public statement regarding the incident and explain what steps they have taken to make sure the same mistake isn’t going to happen again, then that would make me feel more comfortable.

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Morning support for

  • Account wide ignores.
  • Account wide flags
  • Account wide likes
  • Account wide trust levels
  • Account wide total post count

Time to be one person on the forums.


Fine, demand a press release, but realize that, again, it would be the Diablo Team’s press release. The Forums Team are not, in any way, related to the Diablo Team, and are not responsible for their mishaps and mistakes. And it would be the Forums Team working on this feature. Which, again, would not require any information to be shown to the end user.

the forums team and the diablo team are both owned by the same parent company, though. they are related.

So? They’re completely different projects. It’s like being mad at the WoW team for Overwatch balance issues.

Leave it to toss away alts to prove just how much account wide ignores are needed.


this isn’t a “balancing problem” or a “gameplay hindrance,” it involved the sharing of players’ real names.

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You and your ilk may find it acceptable, I don’t.

They do seem like the best advocates for the improved ignores


It was the Diablo Team’s fault the glitch happened in a system completely unrelated to the Forums software. It was a completely different team that caused the issue.

The Forums Team is not responsible for the mistakes of the Diablo Team.